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Units of Measure and Date Formats

Learn how to adapt the default units of measure and date formats to your locale.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

X-Cart uses the US measurement system by default, i.e., inches for dimensions and pounds for weight. However, if your country's measurement system differs from the US, you can set up your store to match your locale and market.

To configure the units of measure and date formats for your store:

  1. Go to the Units and Formats page of your store's Admin area:

    X-Cart 5.5.x: Go to Store > Localization.

    Make sure you are looking at the Units & Formats page tab.

    X-Cart 5.4.x and earlier: Go to Store Setup > Localization. Make sure you are looking at the Units & Formats page tab.


  2. Use the settings on this page to adjust the localization parameters for your country:

    • Weight unit: The main weight unit that should be used in your store to measure the weight of products, shipping boxes, etc. The available options are:

      • LB (pound(s));

      • OZ (ounce(s));

      • G (kilogram);

      • G (gram).

    • Weight symbol: This field adjusts automatically depending on the weight unit selected above.

    • Hide trailing zeros in fractional part: This setting specifies whether the trailing zeros in the decimal numbers (typically, weight values) should truncate when such numbers are displayed on the storefront. Note that this setting does not affect the numbers in the Admin area. For example, if you set the weight of a product in the Admin area as "1.5000 lbs" and the setting "Hide trailing zeros in fractional part" is enabled, the same weight will display on the storefront as "1.5 lbs".

    • Weight format: The format to display weight values on the storefront.

    • Percent format: The format to display percent values in the storefront.

    • Dimensional unit: The main dimensional unit that should be used in your store to measure the size of products, shipping boxes, etc. The available options are:

      • MM (millimeter(s));

      • CM (centimeter(s));

      • DM (decimeter(s));

      • M ( meter(s));

      • IN (inch(es)).

    • Dimensional symbol: This field adjusts automatically depending on the dimensional unit selected above.

    • Date format: The format to display dates in the store.

    • First day of week: The day that starts the week.

    • Time format: The format to display time in the store.

    • Time zone: The time zone (timezone) to which your store belongs geographically.

    • CSV column delimiter: The character that delimits columns in your import/export CSV files.

    • Import/export charset: Define the charset used for your import/export CSV files.

    • Export product data with: This setting applies only to the "Products" data type. By default, products are exported with global attributes. Using this setting, a store admin can define what product-related data needs to be included in a “products” export file.
      The available options are as follows:
      - Global attributes (default option);
      - Global & Class attributes;
      - All attributes;
      - No attributes (Please note that selecting the "No attribute" option will result in the exclusion of any attribute data from the export file; since product variants are configured using attributes, product variants will also not be present in the resulting export file. To be able to see product variants, be sure to select a different option.)

  3. Once you complete the configuration, click Submit at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

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