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Import/Export for Vendors

Learn how to use CSV import/export features as a vendor.

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 10 months ago

X-Cart Marketplace allows the store vendors to import/export products and export orders via the store's Vendor area.

Product Import for Vendors

Vendors can add their new products and update their existing products via the Import page of the store's Vendor area (Catalog -> Import).

To import products, vendors should:

  1. Prepare a products.csv file for import as described here.
    Pay special attention to the "vendor" field, which provides the email address of a vendor who created the product. The information about the product owner is included in the CSV file with product data, i.e., the simplest products.csv for importing vendor products file should contain at least 3 fields - sku, name, vendor.

    Using the "vendor" field in the import CSV file is a must for a store admin and not mandatory for a vendor: even if a vendor uploads a CSV file with omitted vendor information, the imported products will still be identified as owned by this vendor.

  2. On the Catalog -> Import page of the store's Vendor area, configure the import settings as described here.

  3. Click "Choose files" to select a CSV file for import.

  4. Click the "Start Import" button.

Products and Orders Export for Vendors

Vendors can export their existing products and orders to a CSV file via the Export page of the store's Vendor area (Catalog > Export).

The process of export for vendors is the same as for the store administrator described here. The only difference is that the vendors can export only the products and orders they own. Use the checkboxes at the top of the page to select the type of data to be exported.

The "vendor" field is present in all product export CSV files, whether created by the store administrator or a vendor. However, a vendor can export only their products, which means the export CSV file contains only their products and their vendor email address.

An alternative way to export products is using the "Export all" button on the product listing page in the store's Vendor area (Catalog -> Products).

If it is necessary to export products partially, select the required products from the list and click "Export selected" (the button name changes to reflect the limitations).

To export orders, it is also possible to use the "Export all" button on the orders listing page in the store's Vendor area (Orders -> Orders List).

A vendor can export orders partially the same way as products.

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