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Getting Started with Amazon Pay (Amazon Pay Checkout v1)
Getting Started with Amazon Pay (Amazon Pay Checkout v1)

A quick guide on how to configure and start using Amazon Pay in your store.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a year ago

Important: The current guide is for the Amazon Pay integration based on Amazon Checkout v1 implemented for X-Cart versions earlier than 5.5.1.x. Users of X-Cart 5.5.1.x versions should refer to the guide Getting Started with Amazon Pay (Amazon Checkout v2).

This guide assumes that the following prerequisites have been met:

  • The Amazon Pay add-on has been installed and enabled in your X-Cart store. Add-on installation instructions for X-Cart 5.4 and earlier and X-Cart 5.5 are available.

  • Your X-Cart store has been configured to use HTTPS both in the storefront and in the Admin area as Amazon Pay requires HTTPS for proper functioning.

To start using Amazon Pay:

  1. First, register your Amazon Pay account.

    Sign up for FREE:

    • here if you have a US-based business;

    • here if you have a UK-based business;

    • here if you have a Germany-based business.

  2. Log in to Amazon's Seller Central at to complete a few extra steps. If you've registered for multiple Amazon services, you'll see a dropdown at the top of the page that lets you switch between the different services.


  3. Create a test account to use in the Sandbox mode.

    Select "Amazon Payments Advanced (Sandbox View)" from the dropdown box at the top of the screen. Then, under "Integration" -> "Test Accounts," you can create test accounts for use in Sandbox mode. For example, you can use the sandbox mode for test orders not processing an actual payment.


  4. Set up your account.

    Select "Amazon Payments Advanced (Production View)" from the dropdown box at the top of the screen. Next, you'll need to complete a tax interview and set up your bank account, even if you've already done it for an existing account. You'll see a message and links to complete these steps on your home page when you switch to the Production View.


  5. Get your account keys in the "Integration" -> "MWS Access Key" section:


    • Your Merchant ID

    • Your Access Key ID

    • Your Secret Access Key

    You will need to enter these keys in X-Cart on the Amazon Pay add-on settings page (See next step).

  6. In a new browser tab or window, log in to the Admin area of your X-Cart store. Go to the Payment Methods page (in X-Cart 5.5.0.x this page will be found at Store > Payment Methods; in X-Cart 5.4.0.x - at Store Setup > Payment Methods) and make sure the method "Amazon Pay" is on the list of your store's active payment methods.

    Depending on the version of X-Cart you are using, you may be required to add the Amazon Pay method to the list manually. In any case, you will need to access the Amazon Pay method settings and configure them. The instructions for adding Amazon Pay to the list of your store's active payment methods and configuring the method settings are available in the section Setting Up Amazon Pay (Amazon Pay Checkout v1). While configuring the method settings on the Amazon Pay Settings page in your store's Admin area, you will need to specify the account keys that were obtained from Seller Central in the previous step of this procedure. Simply copy and paste the keys into the appropriate fields on the Amazon Pay Settings page. Specify the rest of the settings (Operation mode, Currency, Capture mode) as required and save the configuration. We recommend first running the integration in Sandbox mode to see how it works; to use Sandbox mode, you will need to set the Operation mode setting to "Test". For production, you will need to reset this setting to "Live".

    For detailed information on the add-on configuration settings, see Setting Up Amazon Pay (Amazon Pay Checkout v1).

  7. In Seller Central, configure your instant notification settings (IPN):

    Under "Settings" -> "Integration Settings," enter your Merchant URL.


    The Sandbox and Production accounts have different values for this setting, so you must switch the view using the dropdown box to set both at the top of the screen. The URL you'll need to enter is httрs://<YOUR_XCART_STORE>/cart.php?target=amazon_checkout&isipn=Y (HTTPS is required when you configure your IPN URL for the production account. HTTP is only allowed for testing since no private customer data is passed in test mode).

  8. If you wish to use custom graphics (a company logo) in the pop-up window where buyers will sign in to Amazon Pay, upload the image in Seller Central (This is called "Pop-up Window Banner" under "Settings" -> "Integration Settings"). Banner images must be 520 pixels wide by 50 pixels tall, and they must have no animation. The image files must be in the .jpg or .gif format.

  9. Test your setup in Sandbox mode. You can use the test account you set up earlier. We recommend trying out both your customer-facing checkout flow and order management to get a feel for how orders are processed.

  10. Once you are ready to go live with your Amazon Pay add-on, switch the add-on to production mode by setting its Operation mode to "Live," and you should be ready to go.

  11. Order Management

    You manage orders entirely within X-Cart's order management interface, as you would with a standard credit card payment gateway. There's no need to process orders via Amazon's Seller Central website as with Checkout by Amazon.

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