PayPal Payflow Link is a payment solution integrated into X-Cart via PayPal API v1. With Payflow Link, your customers are directed to a PayPal page within X-Cart to complete checkout. All transactions are processed in real-time.
To enable Paypal Payflow Link as a payment method in your X-Cart store:
If you haven't yet done so, sign up for PayPal Payflow Link.
To use PayPal Payflow Link, you will need to set up your credentials to access Payflow API (The same credentials will be used as your login information):
Merchant login,
โThe User field can be left blank when you log in to PayPal Manager for the first time. However, you must specify a user such as the default admin user to run live API calls. The default admin user has the same name as your Merchant login. Hence it's recommended to set up a user login other than your Merchant login as it is more secure and ensures uninterrupted service should you change the password for your Merchant login ID. Thus, to obtain the "User" part of your credentials, you will need to log in to PayPal Manager at and set up an additional user profile for your Business Account.
Please note your Payflow credentials as you will need them to configure PayPal Payflow Link in X-Cart.
โTo promote security, be sure to enable Secure Token in your PayPal Manager account.
In X-Cart, add PayPal Payflow Link to the list of your store's active payment methods and configure it:
First, navigate to the Payment Methods page in your store's Admin area (Store Setup > Payment Methods). Then, in the Online methods section, click Add payment method:
In the popup box that appears, find the method PayPal Payflow Link and select to Add this method:
After adding the method, configure its settings:
'Your account settings' section:
Partner name: Enter the ID of the partner that signed you up for the account. If you signed up directly through PayPal, this would be "PayPal."
Merchant login: Specify the merchant login name you used to sign up for the PayPal Payflow Link.
User: Enter the username that you set up for running transactions. If you have not set up a username to run transactions, this will be the same as the "Merchant login."
Password: Enter the password created for the user account denoted in the "User" field.
'Additional settings' section:Transaction type: Specify the type of transaction that you want to be performed on order placement when a buyer pays you via PayPal Payflow Link ("Auth" or "Auth and capture").
Test/Live mode: Set the operating mode for PayPal Payflow Link ('Live' should be selected for live stores, 'Test' - for testing. Note that you will need to use test PayPal accounts).
Order id prefix: Your trading name or any other prefix will help you identify a payment transaction originating from this store. This field is required if using the same PayPal account for more than one online store.
Display the "Buy Now with PayPal" button: This setting determines whether or not the "Buy Now with PayPal" button should be displayed on product list pages (in list view) and product details pages.
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