Square payment integration allows a store admin to select the way to process orders. Payment can be captured automatically or authorized first. By default, all payments require pre-authorization by a store admin.
Payment Configuration
A store admin can set up the payment processing mode in the "Payment Configuration" tab of the "Square" Addon Settings page (Payment Methods -> Square).
To locate the page, open the "Payment Methods" page of your store's Admin area and click the "Configure" button for the Square payment.
The "Payment configuration" allows to define:
Auto capture: Set the value to "Yes" to enable auto capturing for Square payments.
Enable debug: Set the value to "Yes" to enable log recording for all Square-related operations.
โNOTE: X-Cart will store all logs in the System tools -> System logs section of your store Admin area.
โSquare logs will have the square-debug.log.YYYY-MM-DD.php or square-error.log.YYYY-MM-DD.php format.
Click Submit to make the settings active.
Order Processing Aspects
When an order is paid with Square payment, it is registered in the Orders -> Orders List section of your store Admin area.
If you configure Square payment to authorize payment, the orders will have the "Authorized" payment status and "New" fulfillment status by default.
To process an order, click either the "Capture" button to accept the payment (the order status will be changed to "Paid") or the "Void" button to reject the payment (the order status will be changed to "Cancelled").
If you configure Square payment to capture payments automatically, the orders will have the "Paid" payment status and "New" fulfillment status by default.
A store admin can refund or partially refund a paid order by specifying the refund sum in a special field on the order details page and clicking the "Refund" button. The order will get the "Refunded" status in case of a full refund and the "Partially paid" status in case of a partial refund.
NOTE: You can find info about order payment and fulfillment statuses here.
POS Order Processing
When an order is placed via a mobile application, it submits the order info to your online store. X-Cart registers POS orders on the order listing page (Orders -> Orders List) and updates the inventory accordingly.
POS orders differ from regular online store orders in several aspects:
in case there is no client ID or email, the order will be registered for the store admin;
the order shipping and billing address are the same;
the order will always have the "Delivered" fulfillment status;
the order can have one of three payment statuses - Paid, Partially paid, Refunded;
the order will have the currency of the Square POS store;
the order will include information on the applied taxes, discounts, tips, and other extra charges;
the order payment method will be Square Payments (not related to the Square payment configured in the online store).
The order details page will contain:
a link to print the invoice;
a link to the payment and order details in the Square backoffice.
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