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Currency Properties

Learn how to edit the basic currency properties in your online store.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

A store admin can manage the list of currencies available for display in the storefront on the Currencies page of the store's Admin area. Each currency comes with several properties that can be adjusted if required.

A list of currencies may look as follows:

  • X-Cart 5.4 - Store Setup > Localization > Currencies

  • X-Cart 5.5 - Store Management -> Localization > Currencies

A store admin can edit the following properties:

  • Format: A format of the currency representation in the storefront. To change the format, a store admin should use the options from the related drop-down.

  • Prefix: A currency prefix. The value is defined automatically for each currency. If it is necessary to change the value, click inside the field and type the required value instead of a predefined one.

  • Suffix: A currency suffix. The value is defined automatically for each currency. If it is necessary to change the value, click inside the field and type the required value instead of a predefined one.

  • Rate: A currency exchange rate. The value can be either preset provided the "Online currency rates service" and "Currency converter API key" general add-ons settings are configured accordingly or set up manually by a store admin. To change the exchange rate, click inside the field and enter the value required.

  • Countries: Each new currency is added with a preset list of countries it applies to. A store admin can add or remove the countries from the list assigned to a currency by clicking the 'Countries' field and choosing the necessary countries from the drop-down. You can assign only one currency to a country.

A store admin can also:

  1. Re-order currencies in the list using the Cross icon to drag-n-drop (this will affect the display order in the currency drop-down on the storefront).

  2. Enable/Disable currencies in the list using the ON/OFF icon opposite a currency in question:

  3. Change the default currency for the store using the selector:

    If you change the default store currency, don't forget to update the rates using the Update Rates button to display the prices correctly.


  4. Delete currencies from the list using the Trash icon opposite a currency in question:

Use the "Save changes" button to make the new settings active.

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