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Importing Categories from ASAP Network
Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over a week ago

Once your X-Cart's ASAP integration has been successfully connected to ASAP Network, it will be able to import information about the categories associated in ASAP with the products of your approved brands. Before you can start importing product data from ASAP, you will need to import categories. Later, you will be able to keep your store's category structure in sync with the category structure in ASAP Network by re-importing categories.

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Importing Categories

To import categories from ASAP Network:

  1. Go to the ASAP Network Data Import page in your X-Cart store's Admin area (Catalog > ASAP Network, Data Import tab).

  2. Click the Import Categories button at the bottom of the screen.

    The ASAP integration will do an import of categories. You should be able to see the

    respective status messages at the top right-hand side of the screen.

    Please be aware that the import of categories may take a considerable amount of time. You can check on the import progress by refreshing the page. On each refresh, the page will show the current status of the import process. While the category import is in progress, the status will be "Categories data import in progress". Once the import of categories has been completed, the page will show the status message "Categories data import completed", and the button "Re-import Categories" at the bottom of the page will be re-activated.

    The categories imported from ASAP Network will be added to your store's catalog category structure; you will be able to view and manage them like any regular X-Cart categories via the Categories page in your X-Cart store's backend (Catalog > Categories).

    There is also a quick link to access your store's categories from the ASAP Network Data Import page.

Re-importing Categories

To re-import categories from ASAP Network:

  1. Go to the ASAP Network Data Import page in your X-Cart store's Admin area (Catalog > ASAP Network, Data Import tab).

  2. Click the Re-Import Categories button at the bottom of the screen.

    The ASAP integration will do a re-import of categories. You should be able to see the

    respective status messages at the top right-hand side of the screen.

    Please be aware that the import of categories may take a considerable amount of time. You can check on the import progress by refreshing the page. On each refresh, the page will show the current status of the import process. While the category import is in progress, the status will be "Categories data import in progress". Once the import of categories has been completed, the page will show the status message "Categories data import completed", and the button "Re-import Categories" at the bottom of the page will be re-activated.

    During a re-import of categories, the integration will determine whether a certain category is a new or an existing one based on its name and position in the category hierarchy.

    Note that the import process will not remove any categories from your X-Cart store; it will only be able to add new categories and update existing categories.

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