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Importing Brands from AutoSync
Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over a week ago

X-Cart's AutoSync integration can import from AutoSync information about brands. The list of active brands that will be imported into your store can be viewed in your AutoSync account backend. To import information about brands from your AutoSync account, the integration needs to be properly connected to AutoSync. In the screenshot below, you can see what an X-Cart store's AutoSync API Integration Data Import page looks like before any brands have been imported.

Once your X-Cart's AutoSync integration has been successfully connected to AutoSync, you can import brands from your AutoSync account. If, at a later time, the list of active brands on the AutoSync end changes, you will be able to update the list of brands in your X-Cart store by doing a re-import of brands.

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Importing Brands

To import brands from AutoSync:

  1. Go to the AutoSync integration Data Import page in your X-Cart store's Admin area (Catalog > AutoSync, Data Import tab).

  2. Click the Import Brands button at the bottom of the screen.

    The AutoSync integration will import brands from AutoSync.

    For each of the brands, the following information is imported:

    • Brand name;

    • Brand logo;

    • Brand description;

    • AutoSync Brand ID (this serves as a unique brand identifier).

    You should expect to be informed about the progress of the import process via status messages at the top right-hand side of the screen. Note that the status information is not updated in real-time; to get the most up-to-date information about the current status of the brands import process, refresh the page.

    After refreshing the page, you will be able to see the imported brands as a list.

    For detailed info on the AutoSync brands list after brands import, see Importing Catalog Data from AutoSync.

    After catalog data import, brands from which products have been imported will be added to your store's general list of brands on the Brands page (Catalog > Brands).

    They can be managed the same way as regular brands configured in your X-Cart store.

    The details of brands imported from AutoSync - if accessed via your store's general list of brands on the Brands page (Catalog > Brands) - include an editable AutoSync Brand ID field. Note that the AutoSync Brand ID value must be unique per brand on the entire list of brands in your store.

    If the name of a brand imported from AutoSync fully matches the name of a brand already existing in your X-Cart store at the time of brand import, these brands will be merged.

Re-importing Brands

To keep your brands information in sync with the information in AutoSync, it is possible to do a re-import of brands.

To re-import brands from AutoSync:

  1. Go to the AutoSync API Integration Data Import page in your X-Cart store's Admin area (Catalog > AutoSync, Data Import tab).

  2. Click the Re-Import Brands button at the bottom of the screen.

    The AutoSync integration will do a re-import of brands. You should expect to be informed about the progress of the re-import process via status messages at the top right-hand side of the screen. Note that the status information is not updated in real-time; to get the most up-to-date information about the current status of the brands re-import process, refresh the page. On completion of the re-import process, the status will be "Brands data import completed".

    As a result of the re-import process, the brands list will be updated.

    Note that the import process will not remove any brands from your X-Cart store; it will only add new brands and update existing ones. If a brand previously imported is no longer available in the AutoSync database, it will be marked as such in the brands list, indicating that you cannot import catalog data for that brand. Additionally, if a brand imported from AutoSync matches a brand name already present in your X-Cart store at the time of import, the brands will be merged.

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