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Amazon Pay (Amazon Pay Checkout v2)
Amazon Pay Settings (Amazon Pay Checkout v2)
Amazon Pay Settings (Amazon Pay Checkout v2)
Written by Anna “dohtur” Verbichenko
Updated over a week ago

The Amazon Pay Settings page is where you can manage your Amazon Pay connection details and preferences.

In most cases, you will not need to manually configure the connection details as they can be automatically set up during the onboarding process (available via the "Sign Up Now" link at the top of the page). However, manual entry is an option if you prefer not to use the automated onboarding process or if it's not working for you for any reason.

The fields related to connection details contain information about your Amazon Payments merchant account and the set of credentials necessary to access the API on behalf of that account. They are as follows:

  • Merchant ID: Your Amazon Payments Merchant ID (the account name you use to sign in to Seller Central).

  • Store ID: Your Store ID from Seller Central.

  • Public Key ID: Your Public Key ID from Seller Central.

  • Secret Access Key: Your Secret Access Key from Seller Central.

  • Country of Merchant account: This setting must match the country of your merchant account registration; it determines your currency.

Along with the connection details, the Amazon Pay Settings page also includes a few other settings. Before activating the Amazon Pay payment method at your store, you must review these settings and ensure they are configured according to your preferences.

  • Operation mode: Use this setting to switch between the Sandbox and Production modes (Test = Sandbox, Live = Production). Please note that using Test / Sandbox mode involves making purchases at your store with test customer accounts; such accounts can be set up in Seller Central.

  • Capture mode: Choose the desired capture mode. The available options are:

    • Authorization then capture: When an order is created, an authorization hold is placed on the amount approved by the buyer to ensure the availability of funds, but no money actually changes hands at this stage. The actual capture of funds occurs separately when you fulfill the order.

    • Immediate Charge: The authorization and capture actions are automatically executed simultaneously at the time of order creation.

  • Type of authorization request: Specify the type of authorization request you would like to use. It affects how Amazon will handle the order status at the time of order placement.

    • With the Asynchronous type of request selected, Amazon will not process authorizations in real-time. After an authorization request, your store will receive an immediate API response indicating the Pending status of the authorization, and the order status in your store will become Queued. At this point, the customer will receive an order confirmation with the Queued order status. Later, when Amazon processes the authorization request, the store will receive the final processing status of the authorization request (for example, Open or Declined) from Amazon through the Instant Payment Notification service. The order status in the store will be updated, respectively, to Authorized/Processed (depends on the Capture mode) or Declined. At this time, the customer will receive another notification - with the updated order status.

    • With the Synchronous type of request selected, it will be different: the authorization request will be either processed or declined by Amazon in real-time. In response to your authorization request, Amazon will return either an Open or Declined status in the API response, typically within a few seconds (If Amazon cannot process the authorization synchronously, it will return a Declined status). As a result, the order status in your X-Cart store will become either Authorized/Processed (depends on the Capture mode) or Declined right after the order has been placed - while the buyer is still on your store's site. Note that the synchronous request may result in a higher authorization decline rate as Amazon will convert some Pending authorizations to Declined.

  • OrderId prefix: If you use the same account to accept payments from multiple X-Cart stores, use this field to set an invoice number prefix for this store. The prefix will serve as a unique identifier of the store and will prevent invoices with the same numbers from different stores from being mistakenly identified as duplicates.

  • Display button on product page: Specify whether the Amazon Pay button should be provided on the product page for the shopper to use after they have added the product to their cart.

After making any changes to the settings on the Amazon Pay Settings page, be sure to click the Save changes button at the bottom of the screen to apply them.

After completing the onboarding process via the "Sign Up Now" link or manually entering the required information and saving the changes, the page will appear similar to the following:

Note the newly appeared toggle switch "The payment method is On/Off" at the top of the page. You can use this toggle switch to activate/deactivate the Amazon Pay payment method in your store.

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