After installing the Amazon Integration add-on, be sure to check and adjust the add-on settings. They can be found on the "Amazon Integration"Addon Settings page.
The settings that can be adjusted are as follows:
Shipping method 'Tracked 24': Select the shipping method to be used for the 'Tracked 24' shipping option.
Shipping method 'Tracked 48': Select the shipping method to be used for the 'Tracked 48' shipping option.
Exclude the errors from the feed status report: List the error codes that need to be excluded.
Save API request/response to log file: Enable this setting to have the API request/response saved to the log file.
Exclude these API methods from the log: Provide a space-separated list of API methods that you want to be excluded.
Sandbox (test) mode: Enable this to use Test/Sandbox mode. In this mode, no data on the Amazon side will be affected.
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