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Importing Categories from Turn14 Distribution
Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 4 months ago

Since product data imported from Turn14 Distribution will need to use some sort of structure in your X-Cart store, it is presupposed that the products imported from Turn14 Distribution will be placed in categories. Turn14 Distribution uses its own elaborate category structure for products, and one of the features of X-Cart's Turn14 Distribution integration is that it allows you to re-create this structure (both the category names and hierarchy) in your store's catalog without having to configure those categories in your store manually from scratch. The integration can automatically create in your X-Cart store the category structure utilized by the products of your approved brands in Turn14 Distribution. This is done through category import.

The import of provider categories can be initiated manually from the Category Mapping > Turn14 tab using the Import Categories button.

After the start of a category import process, you should be able to see the

respective status messages at the top right-hand side of the screen.

The imported categories will appear as a list on the same page (Refresh the page to see them). Please be aware that the import of categories may take a considerable amount of time. You can check on the import progress by refreshing the page. On each refresh, the page will show the current status of the import process. While the category import is in progress, the status will be "Categories data import in progress".

Once the import of categories has been completed, the page will show the status message "Categories data import completed".

Note the Sync Categories button that appears at the bottom of the page.

It can be used to synchronize your store's categories with Turn14 Distribution catalog. For example, if Turn14 Distribution adds new categories to their catalog, you can easily import these categories using the Sync Categories button. Also, if the category import process fails for whatever reason, you can use the button to re-launch it.

After importing categories, you will be able to configure category mapping rules and specify, which categories to import products from for each brand.

Please note that importing categories according to the instructions in this article will not change your store's category structure. Categories imported from Turn14 Distribution will appear in the store structure only after products have been imported from Turn14 Distribution and category mapping rules have been applied.

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