If you forget your admin password, you can reset it at any time.
If you still have access to the Admin area and simply want to reset your admin password for security reasons, you can request a password reset using the method mentioned above or simply update your password in your admin profile:
Please do use a strong password for Admin area access.
Password Recovery on the Login Page
If you ever forget your password:
Click the link "Forgot password?" on your store's Admin area login page.
X-Cart 5.5.x:
X-Cart 5.4.x and earlier:
You will be redirected to the "Forgot your password?" page.X-Cart 5.5.x:
X-Cart 5.4.x and earlier:
On the "Forgot your password?" page, enter the email address associated with your administrator user account and click Submit. The store will use the address to send a password reset link for you.
Shortly after, check your email inbox for an email titled "*\Your_company_name*: Confirm password reset request."
Use the link from this email to initiate the password reset process. The link from the email will redirect you to the Change password page:
Enter a new password for your admin account, confirm it and click Update. You will be logged in to your store Admin area with your new password.
You are done with the password recovery issue. Make sure you save your new Admin area password in a secure place for future reference.
Password Update in the Store Admin Area
To update your password in your store Admin area:
Click your account picture on any page of the store Admin area:
Click the My profile link:
You will be redirected to the account details page.On the Account Details page, locate the Email & Password section and click the "Click to specify" button in it.
Use the blank box that will be displayed to set a new password for your account:
Click Update to save the changes.
Best Practices: Strong Password Creation
Here’s how to craft stronger passwords to help stave off malicious actors on the web.
Create a unique password for every account.
Make it long. Your password should consist of at least 6 characters.
Use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.
Use upper and lower cases.
Change your passwords regularly.
Use a password manager like 1Password.
Use the same password for multiple accounts. Like never.
Use general words and common expressions.
Use keyboard patterns like "qwerty" or "12345".
Use personal information: names, addresses, ID numbers, etc.
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