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Featured Products Add-on

General information about the add-on.

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 10 months ago

You can give certain products in your store a more prominent placement by showcasing them as featured on the store's Home page or on the page of the product category to which it belongs.

This feature is made available by the add-on "Featured Products" by the X-Cart team.

Before you continue, make sure this add-on is installed and enabled:

Storefront Display Setup

You can adjust the look of your featured products section on the add-on settings page:

The available options are as follows:

  • Grid:

  • List:

  • Table:

Creating Featured Products

To make a product "featured," follow the steps below:

  1. Decide where you want to showcase the products as featured in the storefront. You can select between:

    • Home page

      • Open the "Featured products" tab of the Content -> Front Page section in your store's Admin area:

    • Category page

      • Locate the category or subcategory you require on the categories listing page in your store's Admin area (Catalog -> Categories) and open its "Featured products" tab:

  2. In the "Featured products" tab, click the "Add featured products" button.

    You will see a popup where you can select the products that you want to be listed as featured at the selected location.

  3. Select the products that you want to be "featured" and click the "Add products" button:

    The selected products will be added to the featured products list.

If you check the storefront result, you can see the products you added as featured in the respective area of your chosen location (category page or Home (front) page).

Sorting Featured Products

If you want to reorder featured products:

  1. Depending on the featured products' location in the storefront, open the list on either of the pages:

    • For featured products displayed on the storefront Home page, open the "Featured Products" tab of the Content -> Front page section in your store's Admin area:

    • For featured products displayed on the category details pages, open the "Featured Products" tab of the related category or subcategory page (Products -> Category):

  2. Use the "Cross arrow" icons next to the products to rearrange them in the order you need:

  3. Click "Save changes."

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