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Products and Catalog
Products and Catalog

Learn to manage stock and use tools like Bulk Editing, Product Variations, and more.

About ProductsGeneral information about product catalog in X-Cart.
Product Types in X-CartGeneral overview of the product types you can sell in X-Cart.
Admin Product ListGeneral overview of the tools available on the product listing page in the Admin area of your online store.
Admin Product SearchLearn how to search for products and to configure filter presets for use in admin
Creating a New ProductLearn how to add a new product to your store manually via the store Admin area.
Product DetailsLearn how to configure and edit product details.
Advanced Product DetailsLearn what other product details you can configure and why?
Product Classes, Attributes, and Variants / VariationsLearn about product classes, attributes, and variants/variations in X-Cart and how you can use them
Product ExportLearn how to. export products from the products listing page of your online store.
Cloning ProductsLearn how to create product clones.
Deleting ProductsLearn how to delete any products you no longer require.
Inventory TrackingGeneral overview of inventory tracking facilities in your online store.
Cost PriceLearn how to set up and manage the product's cost price.
Market PriceLearn how to set up and maintain the product market price.
Product BundlesLearn how to set up product bundles in your store.
Customer Product AttachmentsLearn how to enable customers to attach files when placing an order for a product.
Product ReviewsAn overview of why product reviews are important and what tools will help integrate them into your store.

About Product AttributesA general overview of the product attributes tool.
About Product ClassesA general overview of the product classes feature in X-Cart.
Types of Product Attributes - by ScopeA general overview of the scope based product attributes classification.
Attribute Value Field TypesA general overview of the types of attributes based on the attribute value classification.
Global AttributesA general overview of the global attributes feature in X-Cart.
Product Class AttributesLearn what are product class attributes and how to configure them.
Product-Specific AttributesA general overview of the product-specific attribute feature in X-Cart.
Creating a Product Class and Assigning it to ProductsLearn how to add product classes to products for better organization and management of your inventory.
Managing Product ClassesLearn how to search, rename, reorder or delete product classes.
Creating Global and Product Class AttributesLearn how to create global and product class attributes on the Classes & Attributes page of your online store.
Assigning Global Attributes to ProductsLearn how to assign global attributes to products manually.
Editing Attribute PropertiesLearn how to change the global and product class attribute values in your online store.
Attribute Display ModeLearn how attributes can be displayed in the storefront of your online store.
Hidden Global AttributesLearn how to create, assign and manage hidden global attributes.
Attribute VisibilityLearn how to manage global and product class attributes visibility on the product details page in the storefront.
Attributes SortingLearn how to arrange global and product class attributes in the storefront.
Attributes DeletionLearn how to delete global and product class attributes in your online store.
Managing Global Attributes from Product Details
Creating New Product Classes from Product DetailsA way to create a new product class directly on the product details page in case of no required option during a product class assignment.
Managing Product Class Attributes from Product DetailsLearn how to add, edit and delete product class attributes on the product details page.
Attribute GroupsLearn how to create and maintain groups of global and product class attributes.
Creating Attribute GroupsLearn how to create a new attribute group.
Managing Attribute GroupsLearn how to edit, sort and delete attribute groups.
Assigning Attributes to GroupsLearn how to group attributes in your online store.
Creating Product-Specific AttributesLearn how to add product-specific attributes manually.
Managing Product-Specific AttributesLearn how to edit product-specific attribute properties and delete attributes.
Import of Global AttributesLearn how to create and assign global attributes to multiple products.
Import of Product Class AttributesLearn how to create and assign product class attributes to multiple products.
Import of Product-Specific AttributesLearn how to add product-specific attributes for multiple products at once.
Personalization OptionsLearn how to use editable text area in attribute options.
Multi-Value Attributes (Product Options)Learn how to use multi-value attributes to configure product options.
Price and Weight ModifiersLearn how to configure price and weight modifiers for multi-value attributes.