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Setting Vendor Commissions

Learn how to set up commissions vendors must pay the store owner for using the marketplace.

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 9 months ago

With the Multi-Vendor add-on installed in X-Cart Marketplace, vendors must pay a commission to the store owner for selling their products on the marketplace. The store administrator acting on behalf of the store owner must set the rates to calculate this commission. The commission rates can be set globally or storewide (the same rate for all the vendors) or on a per-vendor basis.

Storewide Commissions

In the “Vendors as separate shops” multi-vendor mode, two types of commission rates are possible:

  • an order DST-based commission rate (DST = discounted subtotal);

  • a shipping cost-based commission rate.

In the “Warehouse” multi-vendor mode, you can use only the order DST-based commission. All vendors' products are shipped from the same location by the storefront operator, so no commission on the shipping cost is charged.

To set the commission rates globally, use the "Order DST based commission rate" and "Order shipping cost based commission rate" settings on the Multi-Vendor add-on settings page.

Vendor-Specific Commissions

If you need to set a commission rate different from the global store rate for any of the vendors, set the rates directly in the profile of the respective vendor.

To set vendor-specific commission rates for a vendor, use the Financial Details section of the vendor’s profile. In this section, the following commission rate settings are provided:

  • Order DST based commission rate defined by

  • Order shipping cost based commission rate defined by

The available options for both settings are “Global rate” (the default value) and “Special rate.” The default "Global rate" commissions for vendors will be calculated using the rates specified on the Multi-Vendor add-on settings page.

To set a different rate, switch the setting to the “Special rate” option, then set the required commission in the field below:

This way, the administrator will get access to the settings allowing them to use vendor-specific commission rates:

  • Order DST based commission rate of this vendor

  • Order shipping cost based commission rate of this vendor

These settings are similar to the commission rate settings on the Multi-Vendor add-on settings page but apply only to the current vendor.

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