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Product Reviews

An overview of why product reviews are important and what tools will help integrate them into your store.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

Besides being an essential part of an online store's branding and marketing, product reviews can significantly improve customer service quality. They help build trust and loyalty and typically describe what sets your products apart from others.

X-Cart has a built-in add-on, Product Reviews, that lets you easily add product reviews to your online store clearly and conveniently for your customers.

Reviews are a great way to engage your customers and boost sales. If you let only registered customers who have purchased the product leave a review, you can be sure that you can address every piece of feedback and not let minor problems grow and become a risk to your store's reputation.

When used strategically, reviews can become powerful social proof persuading people to buy. The more reviews you have, the more convinced your customers will be of the decision they make. The fact that each new review increases a store's online presence should not be left aside as well. Since customer feedback appears on each product's page, reviews can help pages be found on search engines via unique keywords.

In addition to the standard Product Reviews add-on, it's also possible to use a paid Shopper Approved Reviews add-on. It allows sharing your customers' experience and reviews about the products you sell on your site and outside it.

Reviews can also help you better understand your products. For example, suppose a specific product seems to get many complaints. In that case, it might be time to stop investing in advertising and inventory for the product that doesn't work or makes your customers unhappy.

Sometimes you may also need private feedback about your store products and services that you don't want to share with anybody but need only as an instrument to be closer to your customers and improve customer service quality. X-Cart Customer Satisfaction add-on is the tool that will help you to implement such a customer follow-up in your store.

Having a way for customers to leave a review is one thing - and quite significant - but getting the customers actually to leave reviews is something else entirely. On-site requests and follow-up emails are the most popular methods to do this, and the add-on Shopper Approved supports these kinds of things. First, however, it would be best to learn how to build email campaigns that you can send out to customers who have recently bought the product and had some time to learn things about it and experience it enough to write a review about it. One of the tools X-Cart is integrated with to help you with any possible email campaigns is MailChimp.

Another way to engage customers in writing a review is by giving them a bonus after they submit a review. It can be a discount code, a coupon, reward points, or whatever that can prove beneficial to a customer and make them return to your store for more purchases. To add such behavior to your store, you can use, e.g., the Loyalty Program add-on, to grant customers who left a review on a product with reward points that can be used as a discount for the next purchase. Give it a try and check if the new things are worth it.

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