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Products Carousel Add-on

General information about the add-on

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 9 months ago

You can use the X-Cart Products Carousel add-on to enable a responsive and user-friendly product carousel for certain sections on the storefront (e.g., Bestsellers, Featured Products, New Arrivals, etc.) It is compatible with smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.

To install the add-on, follow the Installing Add-ons from the X-Cart App Store instructions.

After the installation, proceed to the add-on settings page to configure it. There you will find a list of sections for which you can enable the product carousel:

Choose the sections you require and specify the navigation method that you want to use for them (pagination, “next-previous” arrows, or both at the same time). Note that your choice of a navigation method will apply to all sections with product carousel enabled; you cannot change it on a per section basis.

Be sure to submit the settings to make them active.

After you enable the product carousel option for a section, it will look as follows on the storefront:

With the product carousel mode enabled, your customers will not need to scroll down the page to see all the products in the section. Instead, they will be able to use either the “previous-next” arrows or the pagination to view all the products in the same place.

The product carousel mode is also compatible with the “drag-n-drop a product to the cart” feature.

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