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Look and Feel
Change storefront appearance using built-in settings, themes (skins), and add-ons.
Store Design BasicsLearn about the basics of your X-Cart-based store design
About Your Store PagesLearn about the types of pages that can be found in an X-Cart-based store and their elements
About NavigationLearn about the means of navigation in your X-Cart-based store
Basic Design ChangesLearn some basic ways to customize the look and feel of your X-Cart store
Changing the Logo Size (for Crisp White Skin)Learn how to adjust the size of the logo image.
Changing the Default Welcome Text and Banner on the Home PageFind out how to change the dummy welcome message text and banner on the home page of your X-Cart store.
Changing the Image with Payment Methods LogosLearn how to change the collection of payment methods and/or security system logos that can be displayed in the storefront
Configuring Link Previews for NetworksLearn how to set up a winning site preview for sharing in social networks.
Adding Banners to Store PagesLearn about ways to display banners in your X-Cart store
Banner System Add-on3 articles
Contact Us Add-on2 articles
Flyout Categories Menu Add-on1 article
Horizontal Flyout Categories Menu Add-on1 article
Infinite Scroll Add-on1 article
Multilevel Primary Menu Add-on1 article
Products Carousel Add-on1 article
Simple CMS Add-on1 article
Tree-like Categories Menu1 article