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Maintaining Sale Prices

Learn how to manage sale offers in the store's Admin area.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

After the sale prices have been configured for single products and product variants or group discounts have been set up, a store admin can edit their properties or activate/deactivate them for products. There are several tools in the X-Cart Admin area that facilitate the process.

Bulk Editing Sale Prices

Alongside the product details page, sale prices configured for single products can be re-configured or disabled using the bulk editing tool on the product listing page in the store's Admin area. This tool also allows assigning sale prices to single products in bulk.

For more details on using the bulk editing tool, see Put Products for Sale.

Managing Sale Offers

A store admin can edit, enable/disable, and delete sale offers on the store Admin area's sales listing page (Discounts -> Sale).

  1. To edit the offer properties:
    - Click on the offer name to open the offer details page;
    - Click on the products link opposite an offer to edit the applicable products;
    - Add the necessary changes;
    - Click Update.

  2. To enable/disable an offer:
    - Switch the ON/OFF icon opposite the offer on the listing page;
    - Open the offer details page and edit the value of the Enabled property;
    - Click Save changes.

  3. To delete an offer:
    - Click on a Trash icon opposite the offer;
    - Click Save changes.

For easy accessing a sale offer editing page, it is possible to click the respective sale offer link in the label displayed for applicable products or categories on both products and categories listing pages.

  • Product listing page

  • Category listing page


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