To start using the Age Verification add-on, ensure it is installed and enabled as described in Installing Add-ons from X-Cart App Store.
When installed and enabled, proceed to the add-on settings page to configure the properties.
The Age Verification add-on settings page will look as follows:
General Settings
Configure the basic add-on settings in this section.
Enable age verification popup: Use the ON/OFF toggle to enable/disable customer age verification in the storefront.
Display mode: Select the preferred display mode. Your options are:
Two buttons - this layout provides the store visitors with a possibility to decide whether they are underage or not and click the respective button to confirm their decision. The under-aged visitors will not be allowed to access the site.
Text Verification - this layout forces visitors to type in their age to pass verification. The under-aged visitors will not be allowed to access the site.
Minimum age: Set the age limit allowed to access your store content.
Text Settings
This section allows you to set up the age verification popup your store visitors see in the storefront.
Title: Specify the title of the age verification popup or leave the default variant.
Description: Add an explanation of why age verification is vital to access the site content. This text will display in the age verification popup.
Allow access button: Specify the button's text to allow store visitors to access the site content.
Deny access button: Specify the button's text that will deny access to the store.
Deny access message: Add an explanation of why a visitor cannot access the store content. This text displays when using the Deny access button.
Redirect button: Specify the button's text to redirect visitors who received the access denied message to another location or keep the default variant.
Redirect URL: Specify a URL to redirect the visitors with denied access.
Click Submit to make the settings active.
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