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Configuring Stripe Connect Payment
Configuring Stripe Connect Payment

Learn how to enable and set up Stripe Connect in your store.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

Stripe Connect facilitates Stripe payments for a Multivendor store and provides the basic functionality necessary to split payments among multiple vendors. Split payouts are automatic. Hence Stripe Connect is a good alternative to PayPal for Marketplaces.

Admin Setup

PREREQUISITES: Make sure the Stripe add-on is installed and enabled.

To enable the Stripe Connect payment in your store:

  1. Navigate to the Payment Methods page of your store's Admin area (Store Setup -> Payment Methods)

  2. If Stripe Connect is not listed in the "Online methods" section, click "Add payment method" to search and add Stripe.

    See detailed instructions on how to add a payment method here.

    Once the payment is added, the Stripe Connect settings page opens.

  3. On the Stripe Connect Settings page, copy Webhook URL and place it into your Stripe Account dashboard.

    For this purpose:

    • Open the Webhooks page in the Developers section of the site.

    • In the "Endpoints receiving events from your account" section, click + Add endpoint.

    • In the popup that opens, paste the Webhook URL value into the "Endpoint URL" field, assign events from the "Events to send" drop-down, and click Add endpoint.

      The events that you need to select are:

      • charge.failed

      • charge.succeeded

      • charge.refunded

      • charge.pending

      • charge.captured

      • transfer.reversed

      • transfer.canceled

      That’s it, the Webhook URL is added.

      More information on the setup of webhooks is available here.

  4. Now, you need to configure the Stripe Connect payment settings.

    For this purpose:

    • Check the settings that you need to define on the X-Cart's Stripe Connect settings page.

      They are as follows:

      • Secret key: Use this field to specify your Stripe Connect live secret key.

      • Publishable key: Use this field to specify your Stripe Connect live publishable key.

      • Client ID: Use this field to specify your Stripe Connect live client ID.
        When you configure Stripe Connect for a multivendor store, click on the tooltip to see the X-Cart store URI that you need to specify in the Redirects section in your Stripe dashboard.

      • Secret key (test mode): Use this field to specify your Stripe Connect test secret key.

      • Publishable key (test mode): Use this field to specify your Stripe Connect test publishable key.

      • Client ID (Test mode): Use this field to specify your Stripe Connect test client ID.
        When you configure Stripe Connect for a multivendor store, click on the tooltip to see the X-Cart store URI that you need to specify in the Redirects section in your Stripe dashboard.

      • Test/Live mode: Use this toggle to set the operation mode for your Stripe Connect integration. Before you can offer Stripe Connect payment on your website, you will first need to successfully carry out some required test transactions. To do the testing, you will need to set the operation mode of your integration to Test. When the payment is ready for production use, you can switch the Test/Live mode setting to Live.

      • Invoice number prefix: If you use the same account to accept payments from more than one X-Cart store, use this field to set an invoice number prefix for this store. The prefix will serve as an identifier of the store and help you to avoid the "duplicate invoice number" type of errors. It's recommended to limit the length of the invoice prefix to 9 characters. Larger prefixes will be cut before transaction initialization.

    • For publishable and secret keys, proceed to the Developers -> API Keys page of the Stripe dashboard. By default, it should display the live mode credentials.

      • Copy the live Publishable key and Secret key and paste them into the respective fields on the Stripe Connect settings page of your store's Admin area.

      • Switch the "View test data" toggle to see the test mode credentials.

      • Copy the test Publishable key and Secret key and paste them into the respective fields on the Stripe Connect settings page of your store's Admin area.

    • For Client IDs, navigate to the Settings page and click Settings in the Connect section.

      • Scroll down the Connect settings page to the Integration section and locate the Live mode client ID field. Copy the value and paste it to the respective field on the Stripe Connect settings page of your store's Admin area.

      • Click Add URI opposite the Redirects field and paste the X-Cart store URI that you copied from the Stripe Connect settings page of your store's Admin area.

      • Switch the "View test data" toggle and do the same for the test mode settings.

  5. After configuring the Stripe Connect settings page of your store's Admin area, click Save changes and enable the Stripe Connect payment.

The Stripe Connect payment will become available on checkout:

Vendor Setup

If Stripe Connect is enabled in a Multivendor store, a new vendor should see a prompt to sign up with Stripe Connect when logging in.

To configure a Stripe account, a vendor should:

  1. Click the invitation link to the Financial Details page on the Vendor's area Home page, or navigate directly to /admin.php?target=financialInfo.

  2. Scroll down the Financial Details page to the Stripe Connect Account section and click Connect with Stripe.

    This will take them to a merchant-specific page that connects an existing Stripe account or creates a new one.

  3. Follow the prompts on Stripe to connect an existing account or create a new one.

    If Stripe Connect is enabled in Test mode, a vendor may skip account setup by clicking "Skip this form."

  4. Once all steps are complete on Stripe, the vendor should be redirected back to X-Cart, where they’ll see the Stripe Account ID connected on the Financial Details page.

  5. If using Test mode, a store admin may run a test transaction with the configured test vendor to confirm that transactions correctly create transfers to the Stripe account.

    Successful transfers will display a Stripe logo underneath the transaction number and will display "Stripe Connect: Transfer created" in the description.

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