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PayPal Powered by Braintree Set-up

Learn how to enable and configure the add-on.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over 9 months ago

Important: PayPal is going to discontinue marketing this service for new merchants in June 2024. Alternative solutions are available including PayPal Checkout, PayPal/Braintree methods in X-Payments, or X-Cart's Braintree add-on.

The PayPal Powered by Braintree add-on set-up consists of the add-on installation itself and the add-on settings configuration:

Enabling PayPal Powered by Braintree Payment

To enable PayPal powered by Braintree as a payment method in your online store, add it to the list of your store’s active payment methods:

  1. In your store’s Admin area, go to the Payment Methods page (Store Setup > Payment Methods). In the Online methods section, click Add payment method:


  2. In the popup that appears, find the Braintree method you require (in our case PayPal Powered by Braintree) and select to Add this method:


    The method will be added:


    If the PayPal Powered by Braintree add-on is not installed in your online store at the time of adding the method, there will be the Install button instead of Add:


    Use it to install the add-on and add the method.

  3. After adding the method, connect the X-Cart PayPal Powered by Braintree integration with your Braintree or PayPal account. Use the Connect with Braintree button for the purpose:


  4. Click the Connect with Braintree button. You will see a Braintree-hosted page co-branded with PayPal powered by Braintree and X-Cart logo.


    Log into your existing PayPal or Braintree account on this page.

    If you do not yet have an account, you should still click one of the login buttons: on the following step, you will get an option to create a new Braintree or PayPal account.

By logging into your PayPal/Braintree account, you will connect the X-Cart Braintree integration to your account and authorize it to take action on your behalf.

Configuring PayPal Powered by Braintree Payment

After the Braintree authorization, the system will automatically return you to the Braintree settings page in your store's Admin area. You'll see a screen of the kind:


The Merchant ID (a unique identifier for your entire gateway account) will be predefined when linked with your Braintree account data. Now you can proceed with configuring the rest of the settings.

You can configure the following additional setting for the payment:

  • Merchant account ID: Your merchant account ID is a unique identifier of a specific merchant account. Within your Braintree gateway, you can have multiple merchant accounts to process transactions for different businesses or currencies. If you have a single merchant account, you don't need to specify a merchant account ID in your API requests. Braintree will process all requests through your default merchant account (the predefined Merchant ID), if you have multiple merchant accounts and choose not to specify the merchant account ID.

    You can check the preset Merchant account ID in the Account tab of the Braintree settings page.


    In the Account tab, you can refresh the access token and unlink account with the respective buttons of the same name.

    • Use the "Refresh access token" button, if you need to exchange the access token (e.g., if the current token is expiring soon or you think it has been compromised in some way). The access token will expire in 10 years from its creation date.

    • Use the "Unlink account" button, if you need to disconnect your Braintree account. That will also revoke the access token.

      You will not accept payments via PayPal Powered by Braintree until you connect back the Braintree account.

  • Auto settle: Enable the feature if you want all the requests to be processed through your default merchant account (the predefined Merchant ID).

  • Braintree invoice number prefix: If you use the same account to accept payments from more than one X-Cart store, use this field to set an invoice number prefix for this store. The prefix will serve as an identifier of the store and help you avoid the "duplicate invoice number" type.

  • Kount merchant ID: Specify your Kount merchant ID if you have it.

Additional PayPal settings:

  • Accept PayPal: With the option enabled, you can accept payment via PayPal as well.

  • Button color: Choose the PayPal button color.

  • Button shape: Choose the PayPal button shape.

Additional Vault settings:

  • Use Vault: Enabling Vault will allow you to charge the PayPal account in the future without requiring your customer to re-authenticate with PayPal.

  • Ask the customer to save card in vault: Enable to have your customers' permission to save card in a vault.

Additional 3-D Secure settings:

  • 3-D Secure: Enable the option to use 3-D Secure payments.

  • Accept card types not covered by 3-D Secure (e.g., Amex, Discover): Choose whether you want to accept card types not covered by 3-D Secure or not.

  • Use for cards saved in vault: If set to YES, X-Cart will apply the 3-D Secure payment to all cards saved in a vault.

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