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All CollectionsPayment Methods Amazon Pay (Amazon Pay Checkout v1)
Setting Up Amazon Pay (Amazon Pay Checkout v1)
Setting Up Amazon Pay (Amazon Pay Checkout v1)

Lear how to install and configure Amazon Pay in your X-Cart based store.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

To enable Amazon Pay as a payment method in your X-Cart store, add it to the list of your store's active payment methods:

  1. In your X-Cart store's Admin area, go to the Payment methods page (Store Setup > Payment Methods). Then, in the Online methods section, click Add payment method:


    In the popup box that appears, find the Amazon Pay method and select to Add this method:

    If you don't have the Amazon Pay add-on installed in your online store at the time of adding the method, there will be an Install button instead of Add:

    Use this button to install the add-on and enable the method.

  2. Adjust the settings on the page:

    • Amazon Seller ID: Enter your Merchant ID from your Seller Central account.

    • Operation mode: Use this to switch between the Sandbox and Production modes for the Amazon Payments Advanced integration (Test = Sandbox, Live = Production).

    • Access Key ID: Enter your Access Key ID from your Seller Central account.

    • Secret Access Key: Enter your Secret Access Key from your Seller Central account.

    • Client ID: Enter your Amazon App Console Client ID. If you don't have it, register your website as an application on the Login with Amazon App Console. For more information, see the Getting Started Guide.

    • Country of Merchant account: Select your currency.

    • Capture mode: Specify the desired capture mode. Available options are:

      • Authorization then capture: When buyers submit orders at checkout, you only authorize the payment method they selected but do not charge them until you fulfill the order. To assess the funds you have authorized, you need to manually capture the payment amount by clicking the Capture button on the details page of the respective order in your online store.

      • Immediate Charge: When buyers submit orders at checkout, the payment is authorized and captured at the same moment.

    • Type of authorization request: Specify the type of authorization request you would like to use. It affects how Amazon will handle the order status at the time of order placement.

      • With the Asynchronous type of request selected, Amazon will not process authorizations in real-time. After an authorization request, your store will receive an immediate API response indicating the Pending status of the authorization, and the order status in your store will become Queued. At this point, the customer will receive an order confirmation with the Queued order status. Later, when Amazon processes the authorization request, the store will receive the final processing status of the authorization request (for example, Open or Declined) from Amazon through the Instant Payment Notification service. The order status in the store will be updated, respectively, to Authorized/Processed (depends on the Capture mode) or Declined. At this time, the customer will receive another notification - with the updated order status.

      • With the Synchronous type of request selected, it will be different: the authorization request will be either processed or declined by Amazon in real-time. In response to your authorization request, Amazon will return either an Open or Declined status in the API response, typically within a few seconds (If Amazon cannot process the authorization synchronously, it will return a Declined status). As a result, the order status in your X-Cart store will become either Authorized/Processed (depends on the Capture mode) or Declined right after the order has been placed - while the buyer is still on your store's site. Note that the synchronous request may result in a higher authorization decline rate as Amazon will convert some Pending authorizations to Declined.

    • OrderId prefix: If you use the same account to accept payments from more than one X-Cart store, use this field to set an invoice number prefix for this store. The prefix will serve as an identifier of the store and help you avoid the "duplicate invoice number" type.

    • Callback URL: The field is defined automatically by the system.
      To ensure that the status of payments in your store is automatically updated after Amazon processes the respective payment requests, you need to set up the endpoints:

      • Log in to Seller Central and select "Ïntegration Settings" from the Settings dropdown.

      • Click Edit under the "Instant Notifications Settings" section and enter the Callback URL provided here into the "Merchant URL" field.

  3. Click Submit to save the changes.

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