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All CollectionsPayment Methods Amazon Pay (Amazon Pay Checkout v1)
Amazon Pay Admin Routine (Amazon Pay Checkout v1)
Amazon Pay Admin Routine (Amazon Pay Checkout v1)

Learn how to process orders paid with Amazon Pay.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

In your store's Admin area, you can identify orders placed by customers using Amazon Pay by the payment method's name specified in the Payment info section of the order details ("Amazon Pay").


The order details page for such orders includes a section titled "Amazon Pay available order actions." Depending on the order status, this section may consist of the following buttons:

  • Capture and Void: These buttons are displayed when the "Authorization then capture" mode is used and the order is in the "Authorized" status. The Capture button allows you to collect payment from the buyer after the respective payment amount has been authorized. The Void button will enable you to void the authorization.


  • Refund: This button allows you to refund the payment if you have already captured funds. It is displayed when the order is "Processed" or "Completed."


  • Refresh status: This button is displayed if the store did not receive instant Payment Notification with the payment processing results on the Amazon Pay end. It might be the case if IPN was not configured or was not working for some reason at the transaction time.

    The Refresh status button provides a workaround solution allowing you to obtain information on the current status of the payment in Amazon Pay and synchronize the order's status in X-Cart with it. When you click this button, your store sends a request to Amazon Pay. After a response from Amazon is received, the status of the order in X-Cart is updated appropriately, and the respective buttons for available order actions (Capture and Void, or Refund) get displayed in the "Amazon Pay available order actions" section.

At the moment, X-Cart's Amazon Pay integration supports Authorize, Capture, Void, and Refund operations only for the sum equalling the original order amount. Changes to the actual authorization amount, partial captures, and partial refunds are not supported. We recommended canceling the original order and working with the customer to place the order again when calling for transactions with higher or fewer amounts than the actual order amount. For example, if, after receiving an order, you find out that some of the items in the order have gone out of stock and you cannot fulfill them, you should Void or Refund the transaction and ask the customer to re-submit the order.

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