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Data Cache Driver

Learn how to choose a data cache driver for a server.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over 4 months ago

This article discusses only the caching of dynamic content like product selections, filters, calculation results, etc. The caching of static content, which does not change during store deployments, like CSS, Images, and Javascript files, is not covered here.

Why Is Caching Data Important?

Caching is one of the most effective ways of improving the performance of web applications of all kinds. X-Cart 5 employs various types of data caching at many levels within the system. However, you have to choose the most appropriate cache driver to get the maximum performance gain.

X-Cart application gives you the following options for the data caching mechanism:

File system caching should be good for most stores. The most advanced of the above options is Redis.

Configuring X-Cart Cache Driver

You can select the cache driver manually by setting the type option in the [cache] section inside <X-Cart dir>/etc/config.php

; ---------------------- ; Cache settings ; ---------------------- ; [cache] ; Type of cache used. Can take auto, memcache, memcached, apc, xcache, file values. type=file

Cache Specifics

When choosing the cache options, you have to consider the amount of data in your store and the overall customer traffic. The cached content can be divided into public and personal parts:

  • Public content is what multiple users see, e.g., categories list, wholesale information, product filters, and the like.

  • Personal content is tailored for a specific customer. It includes product lists, shipping rates, shopping cart states, etc. For example, product lists are cached by pager state, user membership, sorting order, and display mode (grid, list). That means that the volume of personal content is highly dependent on customer traffic.

If your store contains lots of products and categories (we are talking about hundreds of thousands of products), cached content can quickly take up all the available space (it can take gigabytes). Such cache will be ineffective if space is limited because X-Cart will have to constantly recalculate the same data, unable to cache it all.

Another problem is cache lookup speed - the caching mechanism has to be fast enough to make a performance difference. If it is brilliant to perform optimal eviction of the unused cached content, it will be slower than simpler mechanisms. So, the matter of things is that you cannot simultaneously have a cache that is small and quick at the same time; you have to choose one single aspect.

Overview of the Cache Driver Options

If your server has large disk space and SSD drives, and your store has less than 100000 products, we recommend using file system cache because it is the quickest option. You will only have to configure a periodic cleanup of the cache folder at the moment of the lowest customer traffic (for example, at midnight).

When you have a relatively small store or a big amount of RAM available on the server, Memcached is the ultimate option because it has built-in eviction of the most outdated data. It is also fast enough if the data amount is not large. You can also try to configure Memcached to use the swap partition if you do not have much RAM.

If your store has millions of products, the solution has to be custom-tailored to your needs. Contact X-Cart, and we will definitely find the most efficient solution for you.

File System Cache

File system caching is the simplest solution; it stores the serialized, cached objects on the filesystem inside the X-Cart application directory (<X-Cart>/var/datacache, to be specific).

Please note that you will have to configure a periodic cleaning of the datacache directory. Otherwise, your storage space will eventually run full, and the server will fail.

We suggest adding a task via the crontab shell program (on UNIX-based systems), e.g.:

0 * * * * find <X-Cart dir>/var/datacache/* -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;

This example task cleans up any files older than 7 days and is scheduled to run on an hourly basis (at minute 0 of every hour).

Here’s an explanation of the find command parameters:

  • The first argument is the path to the files.

  • The second argument -mtime is used to specify how old the file is. If you enter +6, it will find files older than 7 days.

  • The third argument, -exec, allows you to pass in a command such as rm.

  • The {} \; at the end is required to end the command.

You can find more info about setting up cron tasks here.


Redis is an open-source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker.

Redis needs to be installed on the server and requires some configuration in etc/config.php:

; default cache ttl in seconds, 604800 - 1 week
default_cache_ttl = 604800
; Type of cache used. Can take auto, redis, memcache, memcached, apc, xcache, file values. type=redis
; Cache namespace
; List of memcache\redis servers. Semicolon is used as a delimiter.
; Each server is specified with a host name and port number, divided
; by a colon. If the port is not specified, the default
; port 11211 is used for memcache(d), or 6379 for redis.

Redis PHP extension is required.


Memcached is a free and open-source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended to speed up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.

Memcached has to be installed as a PHP extension. You can find more info here.

Also, you’ll have to specify type=memcached and list your memcached servers at the [cache] section in the <X-Cart dir>/etc/config.php file like this:

; Type of cache used. Can take auto, memcache, memcached, apc, xcache, file values.
; Cache namespace
; List of memcache servers. Semicolon is used as a delimiter.
; Each server is specified with a host name and port number, divided
; by a colon. If the port is not specified, the default
; port 11211 is used.
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