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Backup Master Add-on

An overview of the add-on facilities.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

To make the process of creating a full store backup more convenient and straightforward, you can use the Backup Master add-on for X-Cart. Using this add-on facilitates the creation of both database and full store file backups.

To install the add-on, follow the procedure described in Installing Add-ons from X-Cart App Store.

Once the add-on has been installed, open the settings page to configure the backup method.


  • Backup mode: Select a backup mode from the list.

    Available options are:

    • ZipArchive class biult into PHP

    • Linux Shell commands [enabled by default]

    • Linux Shell commands (without compression)

    Using Linux Shell commands is much faster, so it is the recommended option for Linux servers. ZipArchive class may fail when working with large backup files, but it is the only option available on Windows servers, unfortunately.

  • Include images into backup: Turn the toggle on if you want to include images in a backup.

  • Include attachments into backup: Turn the toggle on if you want to include images in a backup.

To make a full store backup using the Backup Master add-on, go to the System tool -> Backup section and click a ‘Create backup’ button.


The addon will create a full cart backup and list it in a history of backups where you can see a path to a backup file, file size, and creation date.


To delete a backup, click the “Trash” icon next to it.

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