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iDEAL Payments Setup

Learn how to install and configure the iDEAL Payments add-on in your online store.

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 10 months ago

To start using the add-on:

  1. Make sure you installed the iDEAL Payments add-on at your store. If not, you can obtain it from X-Cart App Store (General add-on installation instructions are available here: Installing Add-ons from X-Cart App Store.)

  2. Prepare the key pair for the encryption of communication between your store and iDEAL. As a result, you should have two files: the file priv.pem with your RSA private key and the file cert.cer with your public certificate. For instruction on creating the key pair, please refer to iDEAL Payments Key Pair.

  3. Upload the certificate file cert.cer, which you have obtained earlier, to the Rabo iDEAL Dashboard, via the "Adjust public key" tab.

  4. Open the Payments Methods page in your store's Admin area (Store Setup > Payment Methods) and click the "Add payment method" button in the Online methods section.

  5. In the list of available payment methods that opens, find the method named iDEAL Professional (Rabobank) and choose to add it to your store by clicking the Add button opposite its name:

    You will see the method settings page:

  6. Configure the add-on settings:

    • Merchant ID: Enter the unique 9-digit connection number that has been provided to you as a result of your application and approval for Rabobank iDEAL Professional. All Rabobank-specific merchant ID numbers start with 0020. You can find your merchant ID in the received notification email and the Rabo iDEAL Dashboard (see the 'Merchant data' tab under the Profile menu option). If the merchant ID has less than nine digits, leading zeros are used to fill out the field.

    • SubID: If you have a Merchant SubID for this store, enter it here. The SubID value entered in this field will accompany each iDEAL payment originating from this store. Unless agreed otherwise with the Acquirer, the Merchant must use 0 (zero) as a SubID by default (if no subIDs are used).

      If you process iDEAL payments for multiple websites with different trade names credited on the same bank account, you can request permission from the Acquirer to use SubIDs. Providing a SubID allows your buyers always to see the correct trade name of your store and prevents buyers from canceling iDEAL transactions. The same trade name of the store also appears in the bank statement.

      By default, the ability to use SubIDs is disabled. However, you can submit a ticket via the Rabobank iDEAL Dashboard with a request to activate this option. After the request verification and activation of the functionality, you may start adding your SubIDs under the "Account Settings" tab - SUB-ID Management.

    • Public Certificate File: Name of the certificate file in the directory classes/XLite/Module/XC/IdealPayments/cert (By default, rabobank.cer).

    • Public Key: Copy and paste your public key from the certificate file cert.cer you obtained earlier.

    • Private Key: Copy and paste your RSA Private Key from the file priv.pem which you have obtained earlier.

    • Private Key Password: Enter the Private Key Password you have used when generating your RSA Private Key priv.pem.

    • Currency: Specify the currency for iDEAL transactions.

    • Invoice number prefix: If you use the same account to accept payments from more than one X-Cart store, use this field to set an invoice number prefix for this store. The prefix will serve as an identifier of the store and will help you to avoid errors of the "duplicate invoice number" type.

    • Test/Live mode: Use this setting to select the operation mode for your iDEAL Payments integration. Before you can offer iDEAL Payments on your website, you will first need to successfully carry out some required test transactions (More information about this is available via Rabobank iDEAL documentation). To do the testing, you will need to set the operation mode of your integration to Test. Note that the integration testing needs to take place in the iDEAL test environment: After your iDEAL Payments integration is approved for production use, you can use the Test/Live mode toggle to switch to Live.

    • Enable logging of iDEAL transactions: If you experience problems with iDEAL Payments, use this setting to enable logging of communications between your X-Cart store and Rabobank iDEAL servers. This will help you or our tech support engineers to locate the source of the problems.

  7. Save the changes by clicking the Save changes button at the bottom of the page. The method will be activated.

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