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Importing Products from eBay
Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 9 months ago

If you already have items listed on eBay that you need to have in your X-Cart store as products, you can import them from eBay into your X-Cart store.

Importing Items from eBay

To be imported into an X-Cart store, an eBay item needs to have an SKU specified in the Custom Label field; so, before you attempt importing any items, make sure they have SKUs.

To import items from eBay:

  1. In your X-Cart store's Admin area, go to the Import eBay Items page (Catalog > Import eBay Items).

  2. Specify which items you want to import by adjusting the following fields:

    • eBay site: Specify the eBay marketplace site from which you would like to import items.

    • Item type: Select the type of items you would like to import. Active items are the eBay items that remain active on eBay for at least 30 days from the current date. Inactive items are items from eBay listings that have been ended within the past 30 days.

    • eBay Item SKU: Enter the eBay SKU of the item that needs to be imported (Such an SKU can be obtained from the Custom Label field of the item). If you need to import multiple items, enter a comma-separated list of SKUs. It is also possible to leave this field blank if you do not want to limit the range of items for import by SKU.

    • Upload item images: With this option enabled, item images will be imported from eBay with the item details and description to become product images in your X-Cart store. With this option disabled, eBay items will be imported without images.

    • Remove existing products: Before importing an item from eBay, the add-on will check whether this item is new or already exists in your X-Cart store (See more info in the section "New and existing items on eBay import" below). With this option enabled, any item found to be existing in your X-Cart store will be removed from the store and replaced with the respective item from eBay.

    • Import only new items: Before importing an item from eBay, the add-on will check whether this item is new or already exists in your X-Cart store (See more info in the section "New and existing items on eBay import" below). With this option enabled, only the items that do not already exist in your X-Cart store will be imported.

  3. Click Import items to launch the product import process.

New and Existing Items on eBay Import

You can match an item on eBay to a product in an X-Cart store using the product SKU and eBay Item ID.

A product SKU is a unique identifier of a product in an X-Cart store. When a product is exported to eBay, its SKU is saved in the Custom Label field of the eBay item. For items created directly on eBay, the seller can manually specify the contents of the Custom Label field.

An eBay Item ID is a unique identifier of the item on eBay. In an X-Cart store, it is saved in the eBay Item ID field on the eBay Product Options tab of the product page in Admin. It happens when a product is exported to eBay, when the product is imported from eBay, or when the store administrator updates the field value manually.

Before importing any item from eBay into an X-Cart store, the eBay Integration add-on checks whether this item already exists in the X-Cart store or should be considered new. First, it checks the item SKU: if the Custom Label field of the item matches an SKU in the X-Cart store, the item is identified as already existing in the store. If no matching SKU is found in the store database, the add-on goes on to check the eBay Item ID field. If the eBay Item ID of the item on eBay matches the eBay Item ID of a product in the X-Cart store database, the item is identified as already existing in the store. If no match is found, the item is considered new.

Whether an item is new or an already existing one affects how it is imported.

If the item is identified as new, it will be imported into X-Cart with its Custom Label field value becoming X-Cart product SKU.

If the item is identified as already existing in the X-Cart store, the import result will depend on the "Remove existing products" and "Import only new items" settings.

For example:

  • If the Import only new items option is enabled, the product in the X-Cart store will remain unchanged as only new items will be imported.

  • If "Remove existing products" is ON and "Import only new items" is OFF, the product in the X-Cart store will be removed and created anew using the item information from eBay.

    X-Cart will take the SKU, the eBay Item ID, and the rest of the product information from the eBay item. Any product properties that are present in the X-Cart store but are not present in the details of the item on eBay will be lost.

  • If "Remove existing products" is Off and "Import only new items" is Off, the product in the X-Cart store will be updated with the information from eBay. It means that the following product properties in the X-Cart store will be replaced with the information from eBay:

    • name;

    • description (if no description is present, the name is used);

    • briefDescription (if no brief description is present, the name is used);

    • metaTags (name is used);

    • metaTitle (name is used);

    • metaDescription (description is used; if no description is present, the name is used);

    • Sku;

    • Price;

    • Amount;

    • Images (If the product in the X-Cart store does not have images, the images from eBay are added; if the product in the X-Cart store has its images, the existing images are removed and replaced with the images from eBay);

    • Categories (X-Cart category is determined based on the eBay category; if X-Cart fails to recognize the category, a new category - "eBay Items" - is created, and the product is added to that category);

    • Attributes (If the product in the X-Cart store does not have attributes, the attributes from eBay are added; if the product in the X-Cart store has attributes, the existing attributes are removed and replaced with the attributes from eBay);

    • ebayItemId. Any other product properties that are not present in the item details on eBay (and, thus, may not be replaced with the information from eBay) will remain unaffected in X-Cart.

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