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X-Cart eBay Integration

General information about the add-on

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 10 months ago

The X-Cart eBay Integration add-on creates a new sales channel for your business by automatically integrating your online store with eBay.

  • Have your X-Cart store connected to one or more eBay marketplace sites, including the sites for United States, Canada (English or French), UK, Australia, Austria, Belgium (French), France, Germany, Italy, Belgium (Dutch), Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Malaysia, Philippines, Poland and Singapore.

  • List your products on eBay and sync your eBay and X-Cart catalogs:

    • Get your products listed on eBay in as little as a few minutes using your X-Cart store's product titles, images, descriptions, prices, inventory levels, variants, and attributes.

    • Import eBay product listings into X-Cart as products.

    • Updates to products in the X-Cart catalog will apply to these products on eBay and vice versa.

  • Import your eBay orders into X-Cart and manage all your sales from the X-Cart Admin area, so the order information on eBay is updated in real-time. Total, subtotal, tax and shipping costs are imported. Change the order status to Shipped, assign a tracking number in X-Cart, and see the order updated on eBay accordingly.

  • User profiles are imported, too: You can have the information of your eBay buyers - such as names and addresses - imported from eBay to become available in your X-Cart store's Admin back end as customer profiles.

  • Get your data synchronized between the two systems either manually or automatically according to your preferred schedule. You can update your products and import orders from eBay by cron, according to the schedule: hourly, every 12 hours, daily, or whatever interval you like.

  • eBay Category settings on three levels: You can set a default option, as well as improve product mapping by specifying it on the category and even product level.

  • Multi-language support: The correct product description translation is used automatically when exporting products to different eBay marketplace sites.

  • Exchange rate: If your store uses a different currency than your eBay listings, you can set an exchange rate for automatic conversion of the prices and totals during the export of products to eBay and the import of orders back into X-Cart.

  • Price Modifier: Want to sell at a higher or a lower price? Use this setting, supporting positive and negative values, that can be absolute and percent-based.

  • User-friendly setup wizard.

The integration is provided as a service. Subscription plans for merchants of any size are available.

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