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Configuring X-Cart eBay Integration Add-on
Configuring X-Cart eBay Integration Add-on

Learn how to connect your online store to eBay.

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 9 months ago

To connect your X-Cart store to eBay, you need to set up one or more eBay configurations via the eBay configurations section in your X-Cart store's Admin area. You can access this section using one of the following methods:

  • by clicking the eBay Configurations menu item under Marketing in the Admin menu:

  • by going to the eBay Integration add-on settings from the My Apps section:

You will need to add and set up a separate eBay configuration for each eBay marketplace site you would like to connect to. That includes the following steps:

Let us take a closer look at setting up an eBay configuration.

Add eBay Configuration

To connect your online store to a specific eBay marketplace site, you will need to add a new eBay configuration:

  1. Navigate to the eBay Configurations section in your X-Cart store's Admin area (Marketing > eBay Configurations). Make sure you are looking at the Configurations tab.

  2. From the eBay Site box, select the eBay marketplace site you need to connect to. The products and orders in your X-Cart store will be synchronized with this eBay site.

  3. Click the Create configuration button.

    The eBay configuration will be created. You will see the configuration name and a link to the respective eBay marketplace site on the page that opens. It will also provide you with some tools to set the operation mode (Test/Live) and to get the Auth Token for this eBay configuration:

Obtain eBay User Token

Once a new eBay configuration has been added via the eBay configurations section of your X-Cart store's Admin area, you need to create a new user token (also known as Auth Token). The token is required for the eBay Integration in your X-Cart store to connect to your eBay account.

The following instructions specify how to create a new token for a new eBay configuration. Use these instructions to connect an existing eBay configuration to a different eBay account.

To create a new user token for an eBay configuration:

  1. If you have not yet done so, add a new eBay configuration via the eBay Configurations section of your X-Cart store's Admin area (Marketing > eBay Configurations) as described above (See Add the eBay configuration you require):

    If you are changing the token for a previously added eBay configuration, open its details for editing (You should be viewing the Get User Token tab of the configuration details):

  2. Use the Select mode setting to specify the mode in which your store will be interacting with the selected eBay marketplace: select Test to use the eBay Sandbox or Live to use the production environment.

  3. Click the Create new token button.

    That launches the user sign-in and consent process: you will be redirected to the eBay site, where you will need to log in to the eBay account for which you need the token and permit the application to access your account on your behalf:

    After signing in, provide your consent to share your eBay data by clicking "Agree":

    Important: If you are creating a Sandbox user token, enter the credentials for a Sandbox User. If it is a token for Production, use the credentials for a user created on the Production eBay site (the one you will use to sell items on eBay). Remember that User IDs for Sandbox users begin with TESTUSER_. Once application access has been granted, eBay will generate a new token, and you will be automatically redirected back to X-Cart. Now in the Get User Token section of the eBay configuration details, you should see the User Token field populated with your token value. Below this field, you should be able to see information about the current status of your token (Token Status) and token expiration date (Token Expiration).

    When your token is about to expire, you will be notified and provided with a button to create a new one.

  4. After the token generation, click Next to save changes and head over to the following step of configuring your eBay Integration: Set your business policies.

Configure Business Policies

Once you have created an eBay user token to connect your X-Cart store to your eBay seller account, you can set business policies for your eBay listings. Business policies typically include information on how buyers can pay you, your shipping services, shipping costs, whether you accept returns, any return conditions, etc. All eBay listings must include this information. To provide information on your business policies for the listings that will be created from the products you sell via your X-Cart store, follow the steps below:

  1. If you haven't yet done so, configure your business policies in your eBay account (More information is available here).

  2. In X-Cart Admin, after creating an eBay token for your eBay configuration, click Next at the bottom of the Get User Token section to go to the Business policies section:

    If you have configured the business policies of your eBay configuration earlier, it is possible to click the Business policies tab:

  3. Specify the business policies you would like to use for your eBay listings. The available business policies are pulled into your X-Cart store from the eBay account to which you have linked your application at the previous step. If you do not see any drop-down policy selectors on the page, you may want to refresh the business policies information by clicking the Refresh Business Policies button.

That will get the policies from your eBay account.

To specify the business policies used for your listings, you will need to choose them from the drop-down selectors. You will need to set your:

  • Return Policy;

  • Payment Policy;

  • Shipping Policy.

If you do not see the policy you require in any selector, it may be since you added the policy after the information on it had been pulled into your X-Cart store. To resolve the problem, click the Refresh Business Policies button. As a result, the policy name lists in the selectors will be updated, and you will be able to select the policy you require.

  1. Use the PayPal email address field to enter your valid PayPal email address. eBay will use this address to identify the correct PayPal account when the buyer pays you via PayPal.

  2. Click Next to save your changes and head over to the next step of configuring your eBay Integration: Choose your default eBay categories.

Choose Default eBay Categories.

Every product you export to eBay must be placed in at least one of eBay's categories. When using eBay Integration, the eBay categories for products import need to be set before the export. When configuring an eBay configuration in your X-Cart store, the Categories section allows you to set the default eBay categories for your listings: one primary and one additional category. The main category is required, and the additional one is optional. The categories you specify here will be your store's default eBay categories for the selected eBay marketplace site. They will be used for any products for which eBay categories are not set at the product or category level.

To set the default eBay categories:

  1. In X-Cart Admin, after setting the business policies for a new eBay configuration in the Business Policies section, click Next to go to the Categories section:

    If you have configured your default eBay categories for the eBay configuration previously, you can click the Categories tab:

  2. Set the default primary category for your products: Use the Main eBay Category selector to select the eBay category that best describes the products you will sell on eBay. If you need several categories for your products, select the category you intend to use for most of your eBay listings. For the products that do not fit well into the eBay category chosen here, you will be able to choose an eBay category at the product or category level.

    Note that category selection is likely to be a multi-step process. At first, the selector will show only top-level eBay categories. Once you select one of them, you will see another selector right below the first one so you can continue to set a nested category. You must continue selecting categories until you reach the lowest level of the eBay category hierarchy, where you will be able to choose the category that provides the most precise description of your products. At this point, you should see a note "Selection complete" (in earlier versions of the add-on - "Allowed to select"), which means the category selection process has been completed.

  3. (Optional step) Similarly, use the Additional eBay Category selector to set a default additional category for your products.

  4. Once you are happy with your default category settings, click Next to save your changes and head over to the next step of configuring your eBay Integration: Configure General Settings for the X-Cart eBay Integration add-on.

Configure General Settings

Before exporting products to eBay, you need to adjust the General settings for the respective eBay configuration.

Please note that despite the name, "General Settings" do not apply to all your eBay configurations. Each eBay configuration has its own set of general settings that you should adjust precisely for that configuration.

To adjust the General settings:

  1. In X-Cart Admin, after setting the default categories for a new eBay configuration in the Categories section, click Next to go to the General Settings section:

    If you have already configured the General Settings for your eBay configuration previously, you can click the General Settings tab:

  2. Adjust the settings in the Product Options section:

    The above settings will apply to all products in your X-Cart store for which similar settings have not been set at the level of categories or individual products.

    • Listing duration: Select a period for your store's eBay listings. eBay help on listing duration is available here.

    • Product condition: Select the state of the products you will export to eBay. Click the Condition help link for help on the item condition for your category.

    • Product price modifier: If necessary, you can make the price of items sold via eBay higher or lower than the price of these items in your X-Cart store. You can implement the price difference by setting a product price modifier. For example, to add a $1 per item processing fee for eBay orders, you should set the price modifier as" [1.00] + [ $ ]".

      This way, all your items sold on eBay will be $1 more expensive than the items in your X-Cart store. To reduce the price of items sold on eBay by 10% of their cost in your X-Cart store, you should set the price modifier as "[-10.00] + [ % ]".

      (Note the minus sign before "10.00"; it shows that the price of items on eBay will be lower than the original item price in the X-Cart store).

      The price modifier defined in the General Settings section of an eBay configuration details applies to your entire X-Cart store (i.e., all the products that will be exported to the eBay marketplace site corresponding to the selected eBay configuration). If you need a price modifier only for some of the products, you should set the modifier at the level of specific categories or individual products.

    • Exchange rate: If the type of currency you use in your X-Cart store is different from the currency used for your eBay listings (for example, if the prices at your X-Cart store are in Australian dollars, and the prices on eBay need to be specified in US dollars), use this field to set the exchange rate. The exchange rate will be used when exporting your products from your X-Cart store to eBay and when importing orders from eBay back to your X-Cart store.

    • Description for export: In X-Cart, a product can have two types of description: a short description and a detailed description. eBay listings can have just one description. So, before you export any products to eBay, you need to specify which of the two product descriptions should be used for eBay. In this field, you set the type of product description that should be exported to eBay by default. If any of your products need to use a different description type on eBay, you can adjust this setting individually for these products in their eBay product options.

    • Product code type: Specify what global product code (EAN / USBN / UPC) you will use to export products to eBay. If no code is specified for a product, "Does not apply" will be sent to eBay.

    • End eBay items for disabled products: If this option is enabled, an eBay listing is automatically ended after disabling the respective product in your X-Cart store. If it is disabled, disabling a product in your X-Cart store does not affect the related listing on eBay.

    • End eBay items for out-of-stock products: If this option is enabled, an eBay listing is ended automatically when the respective product in your X-Cart store goes out of stock. If it is disabled, the listing on eBay remains unaffected.

    • Use global attributes to synchronize eBay item specifics: If this option is enabled, the information available about an item in your X-Cart store in the form of global attributes is synchronized with the item specifics on eBay based on the names of global attributes defined in your X-Cart store. For successful synchronization, ensure that the global attributes' names in your X-Cart store match the names of the item specifics defined on eBay.

      Important: Be sure to disable this option if you do not wish to use synchronization at this time or are going to configure your own mapping rules via the eBay Item Specifics section. More information about the synchronization and mapping is available in Mapping Global Attributes to eBay Item Specifics.

    • Export direct product image links to eBay: If this option is enabled, images are exported to eBay as image links. If it is disabled, images are exported to eBay physically.

  3. Adjust the settings in the Import item options section:

    • Import eBay items into structure of eBay categories: If you have an eBay store with your configured categories, you can use this option to specify whether you want the structures of your eBay store and your X-Cart store to be synchronized when you import items from eBay to X-Cart based on your eBay store structure. Enable this option if you want to transfer the structure of your eBay store to your X-Cart store. (In this case, during an import, the store categories in which the items reside on eBay will be imported into X-Cart along with the items and will become the categories of your X-Cart catalog). Disable this option if you do not want to copy the structure of your eBay store onto your X-Cart store. (In this case, any items you will import from eBay will be placed in the "eBay Items" category; if your store does not have such a category, it will be created.)

    • Import eBay categories for products: This setting defines whether information about the categories an item belongs to on eBay should be imported into your X-Cart store and saved in the eBay options of an item during the import from eBay. If enabled, when importing an item, the information about the eBay categories is imported and saved in the eBay options of the respective X-Cart product. If disabled, the information about the eBay categories is not imported. Note that the categories mentioned here are eBay categories (the ones supplied by eBay - of which an item may have no more than two: one primary and one additional). Please do not confuse them with your eBay store categories (the ones you configure).

    • Import eBay Item descriptions to product descriptions: This setting defines whether the description of an item on eBay should be imported into your X-Cart store when this item is imported from eBay. If enabled, when importing an item, the Description and Full description of the item in your X-Cart store are replaced with the item description from eBay. If disabled, the Description and Full description of the item in X-Cart remain unchanged.

  4. Adjust the settings in the Upload eBay orders section:

    • Use store taxes for uploadable eBay orders: If this option is enabled, any taxes configured in your X-Cart store are applied to orders that you upload from eBay. (Important: If a tax is configured as not included in the product price, the order total is increased by the tax amount due to import.) If this option is disabled, any taxes configured in X-Cart are not applied to orders uploaded from eBay.

    • Allow upload eBay orders automatically: If this option is enabled, eBay orders can be imported into your X-Cart store by cron. See Automating import and export tasks for eBay Integration for more info. If it is disabled, eBay orders are not imported automatically.

    • Allow upload shipped orders from eBay: If this option is enabled, when you choose to upload orders from eBay, X-Cart uploads all paid orders, including those that have already been shipped. If it is disabled, X-Cart uploads only paid orders that have not been shipped yet.

    • Allow update eBay orders status: If this option is enabled, updating an order status to "Shipped" in your X-Cart store results in the status of the same order on eBay getting updated automatically. If it is disabled, updating an order status in X-Cart does not affect the order status on eBay.

  5. Adjust the settings in the System options section:

    • Show eBay warning messages in admin area: When exporting products to eBay or importing orders from eBay, you may get eBay warnings. Unlike errors, warnings are conditions that are not fatal to the add-on operation, but they alert you to some minor problems that you may want to fix. Any warnings your store gets from eBay are written to log files in your X-Cart store. If, in addition to that, you also wish to have eBay warning messages displayed in your store's Admin area, enable this option.

    • Save eBay API requests/responses in the log file: If you need eBay API requests/responses to be written to the log file (for example, if you need this information for debugging purposes), enable this option.

    • Allow update products on eBay automatically: This option is enabled by default. It allows automated updating of eBay items by cron via exporting product information from your X-Cart store to eBay. See Automating import and export tasks for eBay Integration for more info.

    • Allow update inventory of products on eBay automatically: This option is enabled by default. It allows automated updating of the inventory information (quantity in stock) of eBay items by cron via the export of inventory information from your X-Cart store to eBay. See Automating import and export tasks for eBay Integration for more info.

    • Allow update inventory of products from eBay automatically: This option is disabled by default. It allows automated updating of the inventory information (amount/quantity in stock) of the products in your X-Cart store via the import of inventory information from eBay to your X-Cart store. See Automating import and export tasks for eBay Integration for more info.

    • Allow end items on eBay: This option is enabled by default. It allows you to end items on eBay manually with a button click. It also allows a special cron script in X-Cart to automatically end eBay items if they run out of stock. If you choose to disable this option, the buttons to end items on eBay will not be provided; any items that run out of stock before the period for which they have been listed on eBay expires will also not be ended automatically.

Click Save to save your changes.

You should see a success message like the following:

You have completed the basic configuration of your eBay Integration and can now start selling on eBay. However, if you require a more nuanced approach to publishing your products on eBay, we recommend you take a couple more steps to complete your store's eBay related configuration:

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