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Configuring eBay Options for Specific Products and Categories
Configuring eBay Options for Specific Products and Categories

Learn how to create rules for data export to eBay.

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 7 months ago

The Categories and General Settings sections of the eBay Configuration page allow you to set the most basic rules to export product information to the eBay site for which the eBay configuration has been created. For example, the eBay category for products export, whether to use a price modifier to increase or decrease the product price on eBay, etc.

By default, these rules will apply to all products exported to the said eBay site. However, if you want products in your store to be treated differently, you will need to fine-tune your eBay export by adding more rules for specific products or categories. For example, if you want to publish different products in different eBay categories, use a price modifier just for a couple of products, etc.

You can set the rules in question by configuring the eBay options for these products/categories. The eBay options configured at the level of a specific product will apply to that product only. The eBay options set at the category level will apply to the products in that category and the products in all the subcategories of that category.

Configuring eBay Options for Categories

To set eBay options for a category:

  1. On the categories listing page of your store's Admin area (Catalog > Categories), find the category for which you need to set eBay options and click on its name to go to the category details page:

  2. On the category details page, select the eBay category options tab:

    The eBay category options page opens:

  3. Adjust the eBay options for the selected category:

    • Use the eBay Site field to select the eBay site to which the eBay options below should apply.

    • Set the eBay options below (Your settings will apply to all the products that will be exported from the current category to the eBay site selected above):

      • Allow export to eBay: Specify whether the products from this category and the subcategories should be exported to the selected eBay site. If you do not intend to sell any products from this category and its subcategories on the specified eBay site, forbid this category's export to eBay by deactivating this option.

      • Main eBay Category: Set the main eBay category for the products from the selected X-Cart category and the subcategories of this category.

      • Additional eBay Category: Set an alternative eBay category for the products from the selected X-Cart category and the subcategories of this category.

      • Product price modifier: If the price of the products on eBay needs to be different from the price in the X-Cart store, set a price modifier.

  4. Once you are done configuring the eBay options for the selected category, click Save options to save your changes.

    The eBay options for the category will be saved.

Configuring eBay options for Products

To set eBay options for a product:

  1. In your store's Admin area, find the product to set eBay options. For example, you can find it via the Products section (Catalog > Products). Click on the product name to access its details:

  2. On the product details page, select the eBay product options tab:

    The eBay product options section of the product details opens:

  3. Adjust the eBay options for the selected product:

    • Allow export to eBay: Use this option to add the product to the eBay export. If you do not intend to sell this product on eBay, you can forbid its export to eBay by deactivating this option.

    • Main eBay Category: Set the main eBay category for the product.

    • Additional eBay Category: Set the alternative eBay category for the product.

    • Product price modifier: If the price of the product on eBay needs to be different from the price of this product in your X-Cart store, set a price modifier.

    • Export product description: In X-Cart, a product can have two types of description: a short description and a detailed description. eBay listings allow only one description. So, before you export any products to eBay, you need to specify what type of description should be used for eBay. The available options are Short description and Full description. These correspond to X-Cart's short and detailed product descriptions, respectively.

    • eBay item ID: Leave this field be; it will be populated with an item ID value automatically after the product is exported to eBay.

  4. Once you are done configuring the eBay options for the selected product, click Save options to save your changes.

The eBay options for the product will be saved.

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