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All CollectionsCheckout optionsPost-Checkout Upsell Add-on
Getting Started with Post-Checkout Upsell
Getting Started with Post-Checkout Upsell

Learn what steps to make to start using the add-on.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

To start using post-checkout upsells, ensure the Post-Checkout Upsell add-on is installed and enabled at your store.

If this add-on is missing for some reason, you can find it in the X-Cart App Store. General add-on installation instructions are available in the Installing Add-ons from the X-Cart App Store guide of our Knowledge Base.

The Post-Checkout Upsell add-on depends on the Related Products add-on because it uses the "related products" data type. For this reason, you may notice that the Related Products add-on is active at your store even though you have not chosen to enable it. You will also not be able to disable it as long as Post-Checkout Upsell is active.

After making sure the add-on Post-Checkout Upsell is enabled, you must configure it. See Configuring the Post-Checkout Upsell Add-on.

You can also change the title of the post-checkout product recommendation popup block as you require. See Making Changes to the Post-Checkout Product Recommendation Block.

For product recommendations to start showing up in your post-checkout product recommendation popup block, configure the connections between the products in your store. You will need to specify the products you want to appear as recommendations for a specific product as related to it. See Adding Product Recommendations for Post-Checkout Upsells.

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