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Configure the Connection in the X-Cart Admin Area

Learn how to connect X-Payments to your X-Cart-based store.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over 3 years ago

This section provides an overview of the steps that need to be performed in the Admin area of an X-Cart 5 store to configure the connection of that store to X-Payments v1.x-3.x.

The following procedure assumes that:

To configure the connection, complete the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Admin area of your X-Cart 5 store.

  2. In the My Apps section, find the X-Payments v1.x-3.x Connector add-on and click on its name to access the add-on detailed information.

  3. On the add-on information page, click on the Settings link:


    The add-on settings page opens.

  4. On the X-Payments Connector add-on settings page, select the Connection tab to access your store’s connection settings:


  5. Now it is time to use the configuration bundle you have copied from your X-Cart 5 store’s details page in the X-Payments admin back end. Paste the configuration bundle into the appropriate field on the X-Payments Connector add-on settings page in X-Cart and click Deploy:


    The add-on will take a few moments to deploy the configuration. Once the process is complete, you will see a success message at the top of the screen saying, "Test transaction has been completed successfully for API version X. Payment methods have been imported successfully. The configuration has been successfully deployed."

    So, now your X-Payments installation is connected to your X-Cart store.

  6. You should now be able to see a list of payment methods that have been imported into your X-Cart store from X-Payments:


    (You will only see the methods you have configured in X-Payments as payment configurations).

  7. Enable the payment methods you will use by clicking the On/Off control to the left of the respective method names (green icon = enabled). In addition, for payment methods that support tokenization in X-Payments, you can also enable PCI compliant credit card saving in your X-Cart store by selecting the Save cards option (the check box in the far right column).

    As you can see, we have several methods that have been imported, but we are not going to use all of them in one store; we will enable the First Data Payeezy Gateway method:


    Once you are done, be sure to save your changes using the Save changes button.

  8. Use the Save credit card setup section to set the payment method you want your customers to use when choosing to save their credit cards in their front-end accounts.


  9. To enable your customers to pay for orders using a card they saved in their front end-user account or a card they saved while placing another order through X-Payments, you need to enable the "Use a saved credit card" payment method.

    • Go to the Payment settings page (Store Setup > Payment Methods) where your configured X-Payments payment methods appear and choose to add a new payment method:

    • In the popup window that appears, search for the method titled "Use a saved credit card":

    • Once the method has been found, click the Add button opposite its name to add it to the list of your store’s payment methods.

    • Enable the method you have added by setting the INACTIVE/ACTIVE switch for it to ACTIVE:


  10. If you want the X-Payments credit card form to appear as embedded in your X-Cart store’s checkout page, enable the Use iframe option in the Connection section of the X-Payments Connector add-on settings page:


    Please note that if you enable this option in X-Cart, you must also select an iframe-based template for your X-Cart 5 store in the X-Payments admin back-end.

That’s it. Now you are all set and ready to process payments in your X-Cart 5 store using X-Payments v1.x-3.x.

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