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All CollectionsPaymentsPayment Methods for X-PaymentsLegacy Methods
❌ Deprecated: PayPal Payments Pro (PayPal API) via X-Payments
❌ Deprecated: PayPal Payments Pro (PayPal API) via X-Payments

PayPal, Inc. (USA) |

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 4 months ago

Stores connected to X-Payments Cloud can be configured to use payment processing via PayPal Payments Pro (PayPal API).

PayPal Payments Pro (PayPal API) Features




Supports transactions of 'Sale' type (Authorization and capture actions are completed simultaneously at the time of payment processing)



Supports transactions of 'Auth' type (An authorization hold is placed on the amount approved by the buyer to ensure the availability of funds for capture)



Allows capturing the previously authorized amount (The authorized amount is moved from the buyer's account to the account of the merchant)


(Partial and multiple transactions supported)


Allows removing an authorization hold from the buyer's account by the merchant



Allows issuing refunds (The money is returned to the buyer's account)


(Partial and multiple transactions supported)

Get Status

Can provide information about the status of a transaction to X-Payments Cloud


Get Card

Can provide new/updated information about a saved credit card. For example, if a credit card gets re-issued, it is possible to get the renewed expiration date. If any other information changes, like the credit card number or the billing address, it is possible to access this updated credit card information as well.



Allows accepting transactions with a higher likelihood of risk



Allows rejecting transactions with a higher likelihood of risk



Can test whether the merchant account details entered in X-Payments Cloud are valid


3D-Secure via
Cardinal Commerce

Supports 3-D Secure payer authentication via Cardinal Commerce. Best for PSD 2 in the European Union.



Supports tokenization (Allows billing a customer's credit card again - without X-Payments Cloud storing cardholder data).


Account Updater

Supports Account Updater service


Apple Pay

Supports Apple Pay


Google Pay

Supports Google Pay


Other payment methods supported by X-Payments Cloud are listed in the section X-Payments Cloud: Supported Payment Methods.

Configure PayPal Payments Pro (PayPal API)


  • You need to have an account with PayPal.

  • You need to have an account with X-Payments Cloud.

  • Your X-Cart store needs to be connected to your X-Payments Cloud account. The connection can be made using the X-Payments Cloud connector add-on. Detailed information on setting up the connection is available here. Getting Started info for X-Payments Cloud is available here.

To configure PayPal Payments Pro (PayPal API):

  1. On the X-Payments Cloud settings page, select Settings > Payment processing.

  2. From the 'Add a payment gateway' dropdown box, select "PayPal Payments Pro (PayPal API)" and click Add:

  3. On the page that opens, adjust the settings for your PayPal Payments Pro (PayPal API) payment configuration.

    You will need to adjust the following fields:

    • Name: Any name that will help you to identify this payment configuration (it will be visible in the X-Payments Cloud admin panel and the admin panel of your online store; not visible to your customers); for example, PayPal Payments Pro.

    • API Access Username and API Access Password: Your API username and API password as provided by your PayPal account.

    • API method: The type of authentication method that you are going to use (Signature or Certificate).
      The simplest authentication method is using an API Signature, an encrypted string value that you include with your API calls to identify yourself. Use this method if you want the fastest and easiest way to use the PayPal API. If you have chosen to use an API signature as your credential, you will need to specify it in the 'Signature' field further below.
      An API Certificate is a file that you download from PayPal that contains a private key and public certificate that identify you to PayPal. This method provides the most security. If you have chosen to use a certificate as your credential, download the certificate file from PayPal, specify the certificate filename in the 'Certificate' field below and send the certificate file to us. We will install the certificate on the server for you.

    • Certificate: If you have chosen Certificate as your PayPal authentication method, specify the filename of your API certificate.

    • Signature: If you have chosen Signature as your PayPal authentication method, copy and paste your API signature into this field.

    • Test/Live mode: PayPal operating mode. ('Live' should be selected for live stores, 'Test' for testing.)

    • Initial transaction: Choose Auth or Auth and capture.

    • Order prefix: Your trading name or any other prefix that will help you to identify a payment transaction as originating from this store. The "Order prefix" field is required when using the same PayPal account for more than one online store.

    • Accept currencies: The currencies in which you will be able to accept payments via the payment method based on this payment configuration. By default, this setting is pre-set to All supported (N), which means all the currencies supported by the payment gateway - with the number N specifying the number of currencies. To limit the range of currencies that will be accepted, click on the All supported (N) button, uncheck the Select all box - this will unselect all the selected currencies - and check the boxes for the currencies that you will accept.

    • Credit card types: The credit card types you are going to accept.

    • Call-back IPs: Use the Add address button to specify the IP addresses from which you will receive PayPal callback requests.

    • Cancel not captured Enable the checkbox option "Void not captured "auth only" payments in 30 days automatically" to ensure that the hold on the funds for which an authorization has been obtained is lifted automatically no later than 30 days after the payment if no capture of the funds has been performed.

  4. After adjusting the settings as required, save your changes. Make sure the payment configuration you have added is active (enabled).

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