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Intuit QuickBooks Payments

Intuit Inc. (USA) |

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 5 months ago

Stores connected to X-Payments Cloud can be configured to use payment processing via Intuit QuickBooks Payments.

Features of Intuit QuickBooks Payments




Supports transactions of 'Sale' type (Authorization and capture actions are completed simultaneously at the time of payment processing)



Supports transactions of 'Auth' type (An authorization hold is placed on the amount approved by the buyer to ensure the availability of funds for capture)



Allows capturing the previously authorized amount (The authorized amount is moved from the buyer's account to the account of the merchant)


(Partial transactions supported)


Allows removing an authorization hold from the buyer's account by the merchant



Allows issuing refunds (The money is returned to the buyer's account)


(Partial transactions supported)

Get Status

Can provide information about the status of a transaction to X-Payments Cloud


Get Card

Can provide new/updated information about a saved credit card. For example, if a credit card gets re-issued, it is possible to get the renewed expiration date. If any other information changes, like the credit card number or the billing address, it is possible to access this updated credit card information as well.



Allows accepting transactions with a higher likelihood of risk



Allows rejecting transactions with a higher likelihood of risk



Can test whether the merchant account details entered in X-Payments Cloud are valid


3D-Secure via
Cardinal Commerce

Supports 3-D Secure payer authentication via Cardinal Commerce. Best for PSD 2 in the European Union.



Supports tokenization (Allows billing a customer's credit card again - without X-Payments Cloud storing cardholder data).


Account Updater

Supports Account Updater service


Apple Pay

Supports Apple Pay


Google Pay

Supports Google Pay


Other payment methods supported by X-Payments Cloud are listed in the section X-Payments Cloud: Supported Payment Methods.

Configure Intuit QuickBooks Payments


  • You need to have an account with Intuit QuickBooks Payments.

  • You need to have an account with X-Payments Cloud.

  • Your X-Cart store needs to be connected to your X-Payments Cloud account. The connection can be made using the X-Payments Cloud connector add-on. Detailed information on setting up the connection is available here. Getting Started info for X-Payments Cloud is available here.

To enable payments via Intuit QuickBooks Payments in X-Payments Cloud, complete the following steps:

  1. On the X-Payments Cloud settings page, select Settings > Payment processing.

  2. From the 'Add a payment gateway' dropdown box, select "Intuit QuickBooks Payments".

  3. Click Add.

  4. On the page that opens, adjust the settings for your Intuit QuickBooks Payments payment configuration.

    You will need to obtain some credentials on the Intuit QuickBooks Payments end (Client ID, Client Secret, Refresh Token and Access Token). See further below on this page for instructions.

  5. After adjusting the settings as required, save your changes. Make sure the payment configuration you have added is active (enabled).

How to obtain the credentials needed to configure Intuit QuickBooks Payments in X-Payments Cloud:

  1. Go to and click the + Create an app button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

  2. On the page that opens, choose the platform "QuickBooks Online and Payments".

    After you select the "QuickBooks Online and Payments" platform, you will be able to specify your app details. You will be provided with a form titled "Give your app a name".

  3. In the form, specify your app name. In the field "Select a scope", select the check box for "Payments". Click Create app.

    You will be redirected to the Get Started (Develop your app) section.

    Further setup takes place using the Development Settings section for Test mode:

    and using the Production Settings for Live mode.

    For example, you can locate your Client ID and Client Secret for Test mode under Development Settings > Keys & credentials.

    Similar keys and credentials for production can be obtained using the Keys & credentials page in the Production Settings section. Note that before you can access your keys and credentials for production, you will need to submit some additional information about your app. Please follow the instructions on the page to do so:

    You will need to copy the Client ID and Client Secret from the app management panel and paste them into the appropriate fields of the Intuit QuickBooks Payment configuration in X-Payments Cloud.

  4. Similarly to your Client ID and Client Secret, you will need to save your Access Token and Refresh Token in the Intuit QuickBooks Payment configuration in X-Payments Cloud.

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