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Membership-Specific Coupons

Learn how to create membership dependent coupons for customers.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

The functionality requires the Coupons add-on to be installed and enabled.

A store admin can configure membership-specific coupons via the Coupons page of the store Admin area. To configure a coupon that only members will be able to use:

  1. First, open the Coupons page of your store Admin area and click New discount coupon:

    • X-Cart 5.4.x - Discounts > Coupons

    • X-Cart 5.5.x - Sales Tools > Coupons

  2. Next, scroll down the coupon details page and locate the Membership field.

  3. Click on the field and select the applicable membership value from the drop-down.

  4. Save your changes.

If a non-member uses a members-only coupon at checkout, they will get an error message like the following:

Sorry, the coupon you entered is not valid for your membership level. Contact the administrator.

You can find mode details about coupons in the section Coupons Add-on.

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