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All CollectionsMarketingSale Add-on
Tweaking of Clean URLs Related to Sale Add-on
Tweaking of Clean URLs Related to Sale Add-on
Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over a week ago

You can tweak clean URLs related to the Sale add-on using your store's configuration file XCART_DIRECTORY/etc/config.php.

In the [clean_urls] section, there is the setting sale_discount_clean_urls_format that can be used to adjust the clean URL format for the pages of sale offers.

; Clean URL format for sale offer pages
; Possible values:
; domain/goaldiscount
; domain/goaldiscount.html
; Be sure to re-deploy your store after readjusting this setting for the change to take effect.
; Readjusting this setting will not affect your existing URLs.
sale_discount_clean_urls_format = "domain/goaldiscount"

In the [clean_url_aliases] section, you can also set a clean URL alias for the Sale page https://your_store_address/?target=sale_products:

; Add clean URL aliases for special pages.
; Use the following format:
; target = "clean-url"
sale_products = "sale-products"

By default, the alias is "sale-products."

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