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Vendor Ratings and Product Reviews

Learn how the customers of an X-Cart Marketplace store can evaluate vendor goods and level of service.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

X-Cart Marketplace-based store provides registered customers with facilities to estimate products and rate vendor services.

Product Rates and Reviews

Product rates and reviews are displayed on the store homepage and the product details page. A store admin can narrow product reviews and allow ratings only from customers who bought the product.

Customers can rate a product:

  • on the homepage (in X-Cart 5.5.x and higher), using the Add review link;

  • on the product details page, using the star rating or the leave feedback link;

    • the stars allow only rating a product (the rate you give is displayed in orange)

    • the leave feedback link allows both to rate a product and to add a review for it

  • on the product details page, using the Add review button.

When a customer clicks a link to add a review, a popup appears where it is possible to rate a product with stars and leave feedback.

Vendor Ratings

Vendor ratings are displayed on the product details page and the vendor page in the storefront.

  • Product details

  • Vendor page

If a customer clicks the feedback dropdown on the product details page, the rating extends, providing complete information about a vendor.

A vendor rating is formed from a combination of the following parameters:

  • Item description (whether the item received is as described);

  • Communication;

  • Shipping Speed (if applicable).

Each customer can estimate their shopping experience after an order from this vendor gets the Delivered fulfillment status (the status can be changed by the store staff or directly by the customer - using the Confirm delivery button). The customer can do it immediately or provide the estimation later. In any case, the customer will be able to access the Rate order page at any time after that (even after they have already rated the order) via the Rate order link on the order list:

The Rate order page looks similar to the following:

Here the customer can give a detailed categorized rating of their shopping experience to let other customers know about the level of service of a particular store vendor.

In each category named above, the customer's experience can be rated by giving one to five stars.

If an order contains items sourced from more than one vendor, the customer can rate each vendor separately.

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