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Connecting Your X-Cart Keystone Integration
Connecting Your X-Cart Keystone Integration
Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over a week ago

Before you can start using Keystone with your X-Cart store, you need to obtain and save in your integration settings your Keystone credentials. That will enable your X-Cart store to make calls to the API. You will also need to configure some general settings.

For details, see:

Getting Your Keystone Credentials

The process of connecting your Keystone integration involves submitting your API and FTP access credentials on the Keystone add-on settings page in your X-Cart store's Admin area. Your X-Cart store will use those credentials to exchange information with Keystone on your behalf. Your set of credentials will be provided to you by Keystone Automotive Operations Inc. (KAO) via KAO's SDK Portal. A user account is needed to access the Portal. You can request help setting up an SDK account at

Be sure to inform your KAO support team contact of the IP address of the server on which you are going to use Keystone. This is important so the said IP address can be whitelisted on their system to enable data transfer.

Saving Your Keystone Credentials in Your Integration Settings

After obtaining your credentials for Keystone, you need to save them in your X-Cart store:

  1. Log in to your X-Cart store's Admin area and go to Keystone integration settings page. The page can be found under the Catalog > Keystone menu.

    Make sure you are looking at the Settings page tab.

  2. Copy and paste your Keystone credentials into the appropriate fields on the page:

    • Account number

    • API key (Production SDK Key for production or Development/Testing SDK Key for testing)

    • FTP user

    • FTP password

    Please note that your FTP credentials are listed in the SDK Portal and are different from the credentials you use for SDK Portal access.

  3. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen to save the credentials.

After you click the Save Changes button, the credentials will be saved in your X-Cart Keystone integration settings.

Provided that the credentials are valid, your X-Cart store should now be able to connect to Keystone.

Configuring the Import Options

Before you start importing catalog data from Turn14 Distribution, it is essential that you configure the most general options that affect the import process. It can be done in the Import Options section of the Turn14 Distribution Integration Settings page.

To configure the import options:

  1. Use the Import mode setting in the Import Options section to specify the mode that you would like to use for importing catalog data from Keystone.

    One of the following options can be selected:

    • Add new products and update existing ones [default option];

    • Add new products only;

    • Update existing products only.

  2. Use the Update existing products by setting to specify how you want to match products already in your catalog with those being imported from Keystone. Technically, two products will be considered the same if they have the same identifier:

    • Manufacturer Part Number [default option];

    • Product SKU.

  3. If you have specified in the Import mode field that you want products to be updated during an import, use the Update section to specify the types of product data that need to be updated. Select one or more of the following options:

    • Product name;

    • Attributes;

    • Dimensions;

    • Weight;

    • Prices;

    • Stock.

    At least one option must be selected in this section; otherwise, catalog data will not be updated during an import.

    Important: You may prefer to import only certain types of data from Keystone (for example, only prices and stock) sourcing the rest of the information from a different catalog provider (for example, ASAP Network, SEMA Data, etc.). In this case, you will need to also review your store's import options configuration for that other catalog provider integration (ASAP / SEMA Data / other provider, respectively). This step is crucial to avoid conflicts between the two integrations. We strongly advise against enabling the same import options in both Keystone integration settings and your other catalog provider integration settings simultaneously. For instance, having the option "Product name" enabled for both integrations will result in overwriting the product names already present in the store during each new import, with data from the source used most recently.

  4. Use the New product status drop-down box to specify whether products newly imported from Keystone should be automatically assigned the status "Available for sale". Select one of the following options:

    • Active: The "Available for sale" property of newly imported products will be set to "On".

    • Inactive: The "Available for sale" property of newly imported products will be set to "Off".

    Note that the selected option will apply to newly imported products only and will NOT affect any products imported earlier.

  5. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen.

Adjusting Concurrent MPN Settings

If your store uses more than one stock and price sources for products, you can adjust the priority of those sources. To start, click the "Supplier Priority - Manage" link in the Concurrent MPN Settings section.

Setting up the Currency & Price Conversion

Another important task to complete before importing catalog data from Keystone is adjusting currency and price conversion settings in the Currency & Price Conversion section.

As a catalog data provider, Keystone provides prices for most products in USD; if it provides prices in currencies other than USD, the integration will be able to handle this. The settings in the Currency & Price Conversion section allow you to specify which prices (in which currency/-ies) you want to import from Keystone, and which conversion rate should be applied if importing prices set in a currency other than the currency used by the store.

First of all, in this section, you can see what currency is set as your store's default currency.

This information is provided for your convenience; the default currency cannot be edited here. Should you require to change your store's default currency, you will need to do that via your store's Localization settings. You can access your store's Localization settings using the 'Manage' link.

The Currency to import setting sets the currency in which prices will be imported from Keystone.

If your store's default currency is USD, the Currency to import option is not adjustable. Only prices set in USD will be imported.

If your store's default currency is a currency other than USD (for example, Canadian Dollar (CAD)), the Currency to import setting is provided as a drop-down selector.

For configurations involving the import of prices in a currency other than the store's default currency, a Conversion rate field is provided. It allows you to set the conversion rate.

After making any changes to the settings in the "Currency & Price Conversion" section, be sure to save your changes using the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen.

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