Learn how to use add-ons for automating taxes, managing coupons, product reviews, discounts, and more.
Multiple Profiles for Vendors Add-onGeneral information about the "Multiple Profiles for Vendors" add-on for X-Cart Marketplace.
Coupons Add-on: Usage with MarketplaceSpecifics of using the add-on in X-Cart Marketplace.
Product Filter Add-on: Usage with MarketplaceSpecifics of using the Product Filter add-on in X-Cart Marketplace.
TaxJar Sales Tax Automation Add-on: Usage with MarketplaceSpecifics of using the add-on in X-Cart Marketplace.
AvaTax Sales Tax Automation Add-on: Usage with MarketplaceSpecifics of using the add-on in X-Cart Marketplace.
Product Reviews Add-on: Usage with MarketplaceSpecifics of using the add-on in X-Cart Marketplace
Product Questions Add-on: Usage with MarketplaceSpecifics of using the add-on in X-Cart Marketplace.
Sale Add-on: Usage with MarketplaceSpecifics of using the add-on in X-Cart Marketplace.
Volume Discounts Add-on: Usage with MarketplaceSpecifics of using the add-on in X-Cart Marketplace
Product Tags Add-on: Usage with MarketplaceSpecifics of using the add-on in X-Cart Marketplace.
Custom Product Tabs Add-on: Usage with MarketplaceSpecifics of using the Product Tabs add-on in X-Cart Marketplace
Messages Add-on: Usage with MarketplaceSpecifics of using the add-on in X-Cart Marketplace stores
Trusted/Non-Trusted Vendors Add-onGeneral information about the "Trusted/Non-Trusted Vendors" add-on for X-Cart Marketplace.