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eCommerce Tracking with Google Universal Analytics
eCommerce Tracking with Google Universal Analytics

Learn how to read the purchase and transaction data submitted to Google Universal Analytics by your X-Cart store.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

First of all, it's necessary to specify that eCommerce tracking stands for collecting and analyzing only purchase and transaction data. eCommerce reports allow you to analyze purchase activity on your site. You can see product and transaction information, average order value, eCommerce conversion rate, time to purchase, and other purchase-related data. Besides that, Google Universal Analytics allows us to analyze customer traffic, ads strategy, email marketing, etc.

Google Universal Analytics Home

When you open Google Universal Analytics home for the first time, you'll see a screen like this:


The default Google Universal Analytics reports that you'll see on the homepage are most likely to be:

  • User Traffic

  • How do you acquire users?

  • How are your active users trending over time?

  • How well do you retain users?

  • When do your users visit?

  • Where are your users?

  • What are your top devices?

  • What pages do your users visit?

  • How are you performing against goals?

  • What are your top-selling products?

These reports will be based on the data submitted by your X-Cart store to Google Universal Analytics and will give you an insight into how your business is doing, who your customers are, where they're coming from, and what they are buying.

Google Universal Analytics Reports List

All reports in Google Universal Analytics are joined into groups that are listed in the left column at your convenience:


  1. The real-time section shows you the traffic and engagement figures on a live, real-time basis.

  2. The audience section covers data related to your audience's location, browser, platform, demographics, and interests. You can also do cohort analysis and visualize your audience's flow through your site.

  3. The acquisition section shows you how and where you got your customers (through search, social, referrals, advertising, or direct visits).

  4. The behavior section contains reports on the visitors' interaction with your site. You can learn what pages are most popular with your customers, get stats on the site events, etc.

  5. The conversions section helps track conversion rates for your stated goals.

The Conversions -> E-commerce tab is where you can see the sales funnel reports sent by your X-Cart store to Google Universal Analytics. These reports are based on a linear path to purchase logic. Here you can trace the standard % Completion and % Abandonment rates.


For the information to be automatically submitted from X-Cart to Google Universal Analytics, make sure the Enable Enhanced E-commerce Reporting option is enabled in the E-commerce Settings -> Enhanced E-commerce Settings section:


Stats Data on Products

Starting from v5.4.0.0, X-Cart submits PRODUCTS and CHECKOUT categories of events to Google Universal Analytics by default that can be checked on the Behaviour -> Events -> Overview page of the Google Universal Analytics console:

The PRODUCTS events include the search, add to cart and remove from cart actions and can be viewed on the Conversions -> E-commerce -> Product Performance page:


Google Universal Analytics counts impressions on product clicks when a product detail page is viewed from any listing page (category page, related products page, etc.) except for the recently viewed page. It also allows tracking the following parameters for different product lists:

  • add to cart;

  • purchase;

  • click;

  • and others.

You can view the product lists' statistics on the Conversions -> E-commerce -> Product List Performance page of the Google Universal Analytics console:


Stats Data on Checkout

The CHECKOUT events include the following actions

  • add personal info;

  • choose shipping method;

  • choose payment method;

  • confirm order;

  • invoice/receipt actions.

In case you track checkout for an existing customer who doesn't need to fill in the personal info, the open checkout action is traced.

You can view the CHECKOUT events on the Conversions -> E-commerce -> Checkout page of the Google Universal Analytics console:


Stats Data on Search

Search stats are sent to Google Universal Analytics from X-Cart when a customer enters a word in a search bar and clicks Search.

You can trace the stats on search requests on the Behaviour -> Events -> Top Events page. Make sure you view the Event Label tab to see the search stats.


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