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Abandoned Cart Reminder Workflow

A detailed description of how the ad-on collects not-finished orders and processes them further.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

Shopping cart abandonment is when a potential customer starts a checkout process for an online order but drops out of the process before completing the purchase. Any item that enters the shopping cart but never makes it through the transaction is considered "abandoned" by the shopper. X-Cart allows tracking abandoned carts and converting them potentially into orders through the Abandoned Cart Reminder add-on facilities.

The main functions of the Abandoned Cart Reminder add-on are as follows:

  • to detect abandoned carts;

  • to help a store owner set up and send templated abandoned cart reminder email messages to the cart owners;

  • to track the results of the cart recovery efforts.

The add-on enables X-Cart to track the time from the moment of the user's last action related to their cart (like opening the cart page to view the cart contents or changing/updating the set of products contained in the cart) to the moment the user places an order. If X-Cart detects that no order has been created based on a specific shopping cart within a given timeframe (defined in the module settings), it begins to treat this cart as abandoned. The cart is entered into your store's abandoned carts list. It remains on this list until the cart is revisited or updated by its owner or you or another admin user deletes it via X-Cart's Admin interface.

The add-on enables you to set up abandoned cart reminders for carts on the abandoned carts list. A reminder is an email message that tells the customer they still have products left in their cart and asks if they need any help or have any questions about the order before submitting it. The message also contains a specially crafted link that the buyer can use to go directly to their cart, recover its contents, and complete checkout if they choose to. If the user fails to place the order within the expected timeframe, the cart will fall back to the abandoned state. If the order gets placed, the cart will be considered recovered. After the order is paid, it adds to the cart recovery statistics.

If your store uses the Coupons add-on and the Abandoned Cart Reminder add-on, you may try to increase your conversion rate by offering discount coupons to users who abandoned their carts. When creating a new abandoned cart reminder, you will be able to specify a discount amount. If you choose to use this feature, your store sends the reminder every time it generates a special one-time-only discount coupon for the abandoned cart owner. This code adds to the body of the reminder email message. It automatically applies to the cart if the cart owner uses the recovery link from the reminder email message to go back to their shopping cart and complete the purchase.

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