About Abandoned Cart Reminder Add-onA general overview of the add-on facilities.
Getting Started with Abandoned Cart ReminderAn overview of the basic steps a store administrator should take to start working with the Abandoned Cart Reminder add-on.
Abandoned Cart Reminder WorkflowA detailed description of how the ad-on collects not-finished orders and processes them further.
Configuring the Abandoned Cart Reminder Add-onLearn how to configure the add-on general settings.
Creating Abandoned Cart RemindersLearn how to create reminding emails via the Abandoned Cart Reminder add-on.
Abandoned Cart Reminders ListLearn how to view reminders available in your store and how to delete them from the list.
Editing Abandoned Cart RemindersLearn how to change the sending method, the name, the coupon amount, the email template, and other details for individual reminders.
Abandoned Cart ManagementLearn where to view the abandoned carts list, how to filter and maintain it.
Sending Abandoned Cart RemindersLearn how to send individual reminders manually.
Abandoned Cart StatisticsLearn where to check the stats data on the reminder emails sent and on the cart recoveries.
Abandoned Cart Reminders FAQCheck here, if you still have unanswered questions about the Abandoned Cart Reminder add-on.
Mobile Orders Add-On
Spot mobile orders easily – See a mobile icon for orders placed via phone in Admin.
Mark Mobile Orders Add-onLearn how to install and use the add-on in your store.
About Order MessagesAn overview of the Messages add-on that makes possible the admin-customer communication within an order.
Configuring the Messages Add-onLearn how to configure the add-on general settings and email notifications.
Notifications On New Order Messages and DisputesLearn where to get notifications on the new messages and disputes from customers.
Messages Listing PageAn overview of the tool provided on the page.
Contacting a Customer about an OrderLearn how to start communication on an order with a customer.
Processing Incoming Order MessagesLearn where to respond to the messages you get from your customers.
Processing DisputesLearn how to open and close disputes from the Admin area.
Order Messages: Customer ExperienceLearn about the order-related messaging features and actions available to the customers of an X-Cart based online store.
About Order ReturnsA general overview of the order returns tool.
Return ReasonsLearn how to configure and maintain return reasons.
Return ActionsLearn how to configure and maintain return actions.
Return PolicyLearn how to configure and publish return policy in your store.
Return Email NotificationsLearn how to configure email notifications for returns.
Processing Customer Requests for ReturnLearn how to process claims for return from customers.
Creating Returns On Customer BehalfLearn how to submit a return request for a customer.
Order Returns: Customer ExperienceAn overview of the order return experience of the customers of the X-Cart based store.