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Abandoned Cart Reminders FAQ

Check here, if you still have unanswered questions about the Abandoned Cart Reminder add-on.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over 3 years ago

Q: Will deleting abandoned carts from the abandoned carts list remove any data from my cart recovery statistics?

A: No. Your store’s cart recovery statistics are based on completed orders (orders that have been fully paid for), not on abandoned carts. When an order is added to the cart recovery statistics, the respective cart is no longer on the abandoned carts list. In other words, the carts on your store’s abandoned carts list are noway related to your current cart recovery statistics.

Q: Is there a way to clear my store’s cart recovery statistics?

A: Your store’s cart recovery statistics are, in fact, a list of orders that were recovered as a result of customers using the cart recovery link in an abandoned cart reminder message. To clear your store’s cart recovery statistics, you will need to delete the respective orders.

Q: I am using the User Permissions add-on by the X-Cart team. What permissions does a user need to be able to utilize the Abandoned Cart Reminder add-on functionality?

A: Manage orders.

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