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Managing Promotions in CloudSearch

Learn how to promote search results, sort and delete promotions.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

Promotion is a CloudSearch feature available to users on paid accounts. It allows the store administrator to promote products, categories, manufacturers, and even pages by prioritizing search results for specific queries. To create a promotion, the administrator selects an item and links it to a query. As a result, this item appears on the first line of search results in the CloudSearch widget.

Creating Promotions

Let us imagine that you are selling smartphones and promoting iPhones (all of them, or just a particular SKU).

Here's how you can create a promotion:

  1. In the store's Admin area, go to the Catalog -> CloudSearch & CloudFilters section, locate the "Promotions: tab, and click the "Add Promotion" button:

    A popup window titled "Add promotion" will display:

  2. In the "Add promotion" popup window, select what you want to promote. You can choose between products, categories, manufacturers, and pages.

    Then, click inside the text field and start typing either the name or the SKU (for products and categories).

    CloudSearch will provide search results as you type. As soon as you see the item you require, click on the name, and it will be added.

  3. In the same popup, specify one or more search queries for which the selected product should be listed in the topmost position of the CloudSearch widget's search results.

    To enter multiple search queries, separate the individual queries with commas (,) or press ENTER after each query as you type.

  4. Click Add promotion.

    The promotion has been created. You should see it in the "Promotions" list:

Now, if you search for "iPhone" or "mobile" or any other key from the list in the storefront, you should get a link to iPhone 8 Plus on the first line of search results under "Products":

If you decide to add more search queries to promotion later, type them next to the ones you have added previously and save the changes.

Arranging Promotions In Search Results

If you configure multiple promotions for the same search query, you can adjust the storefront display order of the search results inside the CloudSearch widget.

Use arrows to move a promotion up or down:

The new order will be saved automatically.

Deleting Promotions

You can delete any promotion you no longer need.

To delete a promotion:

  • Click on the trash icon opposite the respective promotion.

  • Confirm your choice in the popup.

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