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Bulk Edit Shipping Info

Learn how to bulk edit shipping properties for products.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

To edit shipping properties for products in bulk:

  1. On the product listing page of your store Admin area (Catalog -> Products), select products you want to edit using checkboxes.

  2. Click Bulk edit selected -> Shipping info.

  3. In a new window, edit the shipping properties for the products:

    • Weight: Use this field to specify the product(s) weight.

    • Requires shipping: Use this field to enable/disable shipping for the product(s).

    • Free shipping: Use this field to enable/disable free shipping for the product(s).

    • Exclude from shipping cost calculation: Use this field to exclude products from the shipping cost calculation.

    • Shipping freight: Use this field to set the shipping freight value for the product(s).

    • Separate box: Use this field to enable/disable shipping in a separate box for the product(s).

    • Length / Width / Height: Use these fields to define the box dimensions.

    • Maximum items in the box: Use this field to define how many products can be put in the box.

  4. Click Save changes.

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