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GDPR Add-on Setup

Learn how to configure the GDPR add-on.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) add-on setup consists of the following two steps:

Add-on Properties Setup

To configure the GDPR add-on, open the settings page from the App Store.

You'll see a screen of the kind where it will be possible to enable a cookie popup and edit the list of countries to display the cookie popup.

  • Display cookie popup: Enable the toggle to ask customers permission to store cookies. Use the toggle to enable/disable the GDPR form displaying in the storefront rather than enabling/disabling the add-on itself.

  • Keep cookie consent for anonymous customers: Define the period when the cookie popup should be available for unregistered (anonymous) customers to accept it.

  • Countries to display cookie popup and consent checkbox: Set the counties where the residents must explicitly accept your store cookie policy.
    The list contains the counties concurring with the EU Cookie Law by default. Add different counties to the list if required, or leave the list empty to show popup and checkbox to any customer.

    If you have the Geolocation add-on installed and enabled in the store, customers from selected countries will see the cookie popup right after entering the site. Otherwise, the popup will display after the store visitors specify their billing address at checkout or after sign-up.

Privacy Statement Setup

GDPR add-on creates a new "Privacy Statement" page that describes your store's policy regarding collecting customers' personal data. The add-on redirects customers to this page if they click "Learn more" in the cookie popup.

The default "Privacy Statement" page locates in the Content -> Pages section of your store's Admin area.


To edit the page content:

  • Click on the page name to see the "Privacy Statement" edit page:


  • Next, locate the text in the Content field and edit it.

    Generally, it is necessary to replace the values in yellow with the corresponding information about your company. However, if preferred, you can change the default text entirely with your company's privacy policy instead.

    You can change the page further as described in Adding Content Pages.

  • Save changes when complete.

If you wish, you can include this info as a part of the Terms and Conditions page. After that, it's up to you to decide what suits your business better.

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