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X-Cart Server Requirements

Learn about the server requirements for X-Cart store installation and use

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

Before starting with the software installation, you should check whether your web server spec meets the X-Cart system requirements.

System Requirements

Here is the system requirements list:

  • X-Cart 5.5.0.x: PHP 7.4 and higher / MySQL 5.7.7 or higher or MariaDB 10.2.4 or higher. Read more about X-Cart 5.5.x server requirements here.
    โ€‹X-Cart v5.4.1.x and later: PHP 7.2 - 7.4 / MySQL 5.7.7 or higher. You can also use the MySQL-compatible database engine MariaDB (the minimum allowed MariaDB version is 10.2.4).

  • PDO extension with MySQL driver

  • Phar extension (Required for the processes of updating/upgrading your X-Cart 5 store and addon installation. Phar version requirements may differ depending on the other components of your system. If you experience problems while running an update/upgrade or installing an add-on, try using Phar v.2.0.1 or later.)

  • mbstring extension is highly recommended (though X-Cart has a polyfill for it, the native extension will speed up string processing)

  • 200-300Mb of disk space

  • libCURL module support (The minimum required CURL version is 7.39.0; version 7.43.0 is recommended.)

  • ini_set enabled

  • safe_mode disabled

  • file_uploads enabled

  • post_max_size set to 2M+ and larger than the upload_max_filesize value (critical for installation)

  • upload_max_filesize set to 2M or higher

  • magic_quotes_runtime disabled (for PHP versions earlier 5.4.x)

  • memory_limit set to 128M or higher (if you are using 64-bit processors in your server environment, the memory_limit value must be 256M or higher)

  • GDLib 2.0 or ImageMagick (recommended for proper image resizing routines)

  • PHP time limit properly set according to your server config

  • mod_rewrite-like components to enable proper work of SEO-friendly URLs

  • if xdebug is enabled, xdebug.max_nesting_level must be set to 300

  • if OPcache is enabled, the following settings must be applied:


    Any other cachers should not strip comments from the code, too.

  • Suhosin PHP extension might interfere with the proper work of X-Cart 5, so you should disable it.

Hardware Requirements

X-Cart does NOT recommend shared web hosting due to limited resources. Instead, please consider using VPS or dedicated servers as a host for your store.

Use only *NIX-based servers (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, etc.)!





Catalog size

up to 2K




over 100K

up to 1000 SKUs

up to 100 Categories

VPS hosting

- 1 Core

- 1 GB RAM (DDR4)

VPS hosting

- 1 Core

- 2 GB RAM (DDR4)

VPS hosting

- 2 Core

- 4 GB RAM (DDR4)

VPS hosting

- 8 Core

- 16 GB RAM (DDR4)

Dedicated server

up to 10 000 SKUs

up to 500 Categories

VPS hosting

- 1 Core

- 2 GB RAM (DDR4)

VPS hosting

- 1 Core

- 2 GB RAM (DDR4)

VPS hosting

- 2 Core

- 4 GB RAM (DDR4)

VPS hosting

- 8 Core

- 16 GB RAM (DDR4)

Dedicated server

up to 20 000 SKUs

up to 1000 Categories

VPS hosting

- 2 Core

- 4 GB RAM (DDR4)

VPS hosting

- 2 Core

- 4 GB RAM (DDR4)

VPS hosting

- 8 Core

- 16 GB RAM (DDR4)

Dedicated server

Dedicated server

up to 50 000 SKUs

up to 2000 Categories

VPS hosting

- 8 Core

- 16 GB RAM (DDR4)

VPS hosting

- 8 Core

- 16 GB RAM (DDR4)

Dedicated server

Dedicated server

Dedicated server

over 50 000 SKUs

over 2000 Categories

Dedicated server

Dedicated server

Dedicated server

Dedicated server

Dedicated server

Not Supported

  • LiteSpeed

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