The orders import feature is a part of the free Orders Import add-on. It is not included in the X‑Cart core.
An orders CSV file for import must have the name orders-xxxxxx.csv, where the part -xxxxxx can be anything you want or can be omitted.
Examples of correct product CSV file names:
Below is a list of supported fields and their respective value types for category import.
Fields supported by the Orders Import add-on
Field in CSV file | What this field describes | |
orderNumber* | Order number. Serves as an identifier. | Integer |
customerEmail* | The email of a customer who placed the order. | String |
Customer billing address fields. The following address fields might or might not be present in your X-Cart installation depending on your address fields configuration.
Field in CSV file | What this field describes | |
customerAnonymous | If Yes, the customer is an anonymous person (guest). | Yes/No |
customerAddressSame | Use "Yes" if the customer billing and shipping addresses are the same; otherwise, use "No." | Yes/No |
customerFirstnameBillingAddressField | Customer first name in the billing address. | String |
сustomerLastnameBillingAddressField | Customer last name in the billing address. | String |
customerStreetBillingAddressField | Customer street in the billing address. | String |
customerCityBillingAddressField | Customer city in the billing address. | String |
customerCountryCodeBillingAddressField | Customer country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (2 characters)) in the billing address. | String, |
customerStateIdBillingAddressField | Customer state name if X-Cart has a defined state for the customer. Otherwise, use customerCustomStateBillingAddressField. | String |
customerCustomStateBillingAddressField | Сustomer state name in the case X-Cart does not have a defined state for the country | String |
customerZipcodeBillingAddressField | Customer zip code in the billing address | String |
customerPhoneBillingAddressField | Customer phone number in the billing address | String |
customerVatNumberBillingAddressField | Customer VAT number in the billing address. Requires the VAT add-on to be installed. | String |
Customer shipping address fields. The following address fields might or might not be present in your X-Cart installation depending on your address fields configuration.
Field in CSV file | What this field describes | |
customerFirstnameShippingAddressField | A customer first name in the shipping address | String |
customerLastnameShippingAddressField | Customer last name in the shipping address | String |
customerStreetShippingAddressField | Customer street in the shipping address | String |
customerCityShippingAddressField | Customer city in the shipping address | String |
customerCountryCodeShippingAddressField | Customer country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (2 characters)) in the shipping address | String, |
customerStateIdShippingAddressField | Customer state name if X-Cart has a defined state for the customer. Otherwise, use customerCustomStateShippingAddressField. | String |
customerCustomStateShippingAddressField | Customer state name in the case X-Cart does not have a defined state for the country | String |
customerZipcodeShippingAddressField | Customer zipcode in the shipping address | String |
customerPhoneShippingAddressField | Customer phone number in the shipping address. | String |
customerVatNumberShippingAddressField | Customer VAT number in the shipping address. Requires the VAT add-on to be installed. | String |
Order item fields. Each field is a Multirow field, and each row represents one specific product.
Field in CSV file | What this field describes | |
itemName* | Order item name | String, |
itemSKU* | Order item SKU | String, |
itemAttributes | Order item product attributes | Multiple, |
itemPrice* | Order item selling price | Float, |
itemQuantity* | Quantity of items included in the order | Integer, |
itemSubtotal* | Order item subtotal value (without order item surcharges). | Float, |
itemTotal* | Order item total value | Float, |
subtotal* | Order subtotal (without order surcharges) | Float |
Order surcharges. Each surcharge field consists of UPPERCASED surcharge code and (surcharge) suffix. The following two fields are examples of the general order surcharges and may or may not be present in your X-Cart installation.
Field in CSV file | What this field describes | |
DISCOUNT (surcharge) | Order discount surcharge in an absolute value. Example: -3. This example value stands for a $3.00 discount if the order currency is USD. | Float |
SHIPPING (surcharge) | Order shipping surcharge. Example: 3.02. | Float |
total* | Order total with surcharges included | Float |
currency* | Code of the order currency. Example: USD. | String, |
shippingMethod | Order shipping method name | String |
trackingNumber | Order tracking number | String |
Order payment transactions. The following fields prefixed by 'paymentTransaction' are Multirow, and each row represents a single payment transaction. Thus, an order should have at least one payment transaction.
Field in CSV file | What this field describes | |
paymentTransactionMethod* | Order payment transaction method internal name | String |
paymentTransactionStatus* | Order payment transaction status.
| String, |
paymentTransactionValue* | Order payment transaction value | Float |
paymentTransactionNote | Order payment transaction processor note. Generally contains errors from the payment processing. | String |
paymentTransactionType* | Order payment transaction type.
| String |
paymentTransactionId* | Order payment transaction public id | String |
paymentTransactionCurrency | Order payment transaction currency. Can be omitted; order currency will be used instead. | String |
date | Order creation date. Example: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 13:18:22 +0000 | String |
recent | Use "Yes" if the admin has processed the order; otherwise, use "No." | Yes/No |
paymentStatus* | Order payment status.
| String, |
shippingStatus* | Order shipping status.
| String, |
notes | Order customer notes | String |
adminNotes | Order administrator notes | String |
Order history details. The following fields prefixed by 'detail' are Multirow, and each row represents a single history item.
Field in CSV file | What this field describes | |
detailCode | Order history item code | String |
detailLabel | Order history item human-readable label | String |
detailValue | Order history item text | String |
Fields added by the Multivendor add-on
Field in CSV file | What this field describes | |
vendor* | Order vendor email. | String |
parent* | Parent order ID. | Integer |
children* | Child order numbers. Can be multiple. | Integer, |
commissionValue | Vendor commission value. | Float |
commissionStatus | Vendor commission status. Possible values are:
| String |
commissionTaxesOwner | The collector of a sales tax (admin or vendor) based on the setting "Sales tax is the responsibility of". | String |
Fields added by the Custom Order Statuses add-on
Field in CSV file | What this field describes | |
paymentStatusLabel | Human-readable translation of the payment status | String, |
shippingStatusLabel | Human-readable translation of the shipping status | String, |
Fields added by the Loyalty Program add-on
Field in CSV file | What this field describes | |
REWARDPOINTS (surcharge)*** | Order TOTAL discount surcharge in an absolute value added by the Loyalty Programm add-on settings. Example: -3. This example value stands for a $3.00 discount if the order currency is USD. | Float |
REWARDPOINTSSUB (surcharge)*** | Order SUBTOTAL discount surcharge in an absolute value added by the Loyalty Programm add-on settings. Example: -3. This example value stands for a $3.00 discount if the order currency is USD. | Float |
* Required field.
** See CSV Field Notices for more info.
*** Depending on the Loyalty Program add-on settings, you can define the values either for REWARDPOINTS (surcharge) or for REWARDPOINTSSUB (surcharge). Not for both of them at the same time.
If you are going to import data into X-Cart and do not wish to update certain X-Cart fields during the import process, you should not include these fields in your CSV file for import. Instead, simply remove the respective column(s) from the file.
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