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Shop by Brand Add-on Settings
Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over a week ago

Here is an overview of the Shop by Brand add-on settings:

General "Shop By Brand" Addon Settings

  • Brand attribute: This setting is for you to specify the global attribute field that should be used for brands. If you have any global attribute fields configured in your store, their names will be provided in the drop-down box as a list so you can select one of them. If you do not have any global attribute fields, you will need to create at least one to become available for selection here.

  • Hide brands without products: This setting determines whether brands that do not have any products assigned to them should be shown on the storefront, or not.

    Note: It is also possible to control whether brands should be hidden if all their products are out of stock. See the section Brands with Out-of-Stock Products.

Brands block (sidebar column)

  • Show block on category pages: If enabled, the Brands block is displayed in the sidebar column on the store’s category pages. Not displayed if disabled.

  • Show block on Front page: If enabled, the Brands block is displayed in the sidebar column on the store’s Home page. Not displayed if disabled.

  • Sort brands by: This setting determines the order in which brand names are listed within the Brands block. The available options are “Brand names” (alphabetically), “Admin-defined order,” and “Number of products.”

  • Max number of brands: Set the maximum number of brands that can be displayed in the Brands block in the sidebar column on the storefront. Brands over this number will be visible on the Brands page, to which a link will be provided at the bottom of the block.

Brands block (central column)

  • Show block on category pages: If enabled, the Brands block is displayed in the central column on the store’s category pages. Not displayed if disabled.

  • Show block on Front page: If enabled, the Brands section is displayed in the central column on the store’s Home page. Not displayed if disabled.

  • Sort brands by: This setting determines the order in which brand names are listed within the Brands block. The available options are “Brand names” (alphabetically), “Admin-defined order,” and “Number of products.”

  • Max number of brands: Set the maximum number of brands that can be displayed in the Brands block in the central column on the storefront. Brands over this number will be visible on the Brands page, to which a link will be provided at the bottom of the block.

Brands page

  • Sort brands by: This setting determines the order in which brand names are listed on the Brands page. The available options are “Brand names” (alphabetically), “Admin-defined order,” and “Number of products.”

  • Enable pagination: This should be enabled only if the store has many brands.

  • Max number of brands per page: Set the maximum number of brands that can be displayed per page by default when a user views the store’s brands on the Brands page. (The user may choose to reset this number).

  • Enable "Filter brands by letter" feature: This setting enables the ability for shoppers to filter the brands on the Brands page by the initial letter of the brand name. For example, in the screenshot below you can see brand names filtered by the letter "M".

  • Enable "Search brand by name" feature: This setting enables the ability for shoppers to search for brands on the Brands page by the name. For example, in the screenshot below you can see the result of brand name search using the search string "moto".

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